I2C_OwnAddress1怎么设置 i2c fast mode 前言: 数字图像处理熟悉需要了解的通信协议 一、I2C I2C简介 I2C Bus(Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus)最早是由Philips半导体(现被NXP收购)开发的两线时串行总线,常用于微控制器与外设之间的连接。 通讯协议 总线速度 双向传输总线 标准模式:速率高达100kbit/s 快速模式:速率高...
stm32技术手册上I2C_OAR1是stm32作为从机时需要设置的;作为主机时,不需要设置的,可以把I2C_InitStructure.I2C_OwnAddress1 =0x0A;这句注释掉。
What I found is that the numbers can be converted to the corresponding address by doing a left bit-shift on the address and next adding 1 (01010101 -bit-shift->10101010-add 1->10101011 = 171 dec). This actually corresponds with the way I2C represents their addresses: it takes the 7 LSB...