TXS0102: I2C applicationAntony Lin Genius 13480 points Part Number: TXS0102 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TCA9406 Hi, Customer would like to use TXS0102 for I2C data and clk application running at 400kHz.(from 1.8V to 3.3V) Since I2C need external pull-up resistor, this should be an...
I2C application demonstrates how to access/manipulate Always On (AON) I2C from the SPE/AON processor. There are three I2C instances (2, 8 and 10) in AON domain, availability of the instance will be based on the Jetson platform being used. Note I...
we are using Imx8 mini evk board , on this board we are trying to test application code of I2C which is implemented on M4 core and we loaded M4 core application code I2C by booting with A53 and M4 core. based on this we are testing application code of...
I am using two TCA9509DGKR to disable/isolate two humidity I2C sensors. The A and B side of the TCA9509 are both running on 5V. I cannot seem to get any data from the B side, The A side is showing I2C data. Removing the sensors as a test and changing the output resistor...
LPC1347 LPCOpen usbd_rom_hid_i2c example code Hello, For my project I am using an LPC1347 development board. I am trying to achieve an I2C communication with a Microchip 256K I2C Serial EEPROM over USB. The functionality is as such : from my host (desktop computer) I can iss...
Philips LPC9xx microcontroller in I2C applicationsAuthor: Paul Seerden
i2c: This driver is an old driver, please migrate your application code to adapt `driver/i2c_master.h`Quote by robizzar72 » Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:32 am In my ESP32-S3, using ESP-IDF 5.2 I got whit warning at boot: W (814) i2c: This driver is an old driver, please migrate ...
基于MCU的低功耗I2C总线控制器设计与实现 引言 随着半导体产业的不断发展,片上系统(System-on-Chip, SoC)技术得到了不断的提高,SoC技术的概念是将多个拥有特殊功能的集成电路在一块芯片上集成[1]。SoC设计的关键技术包括总线架构技术、IP核可复用技术、软硬件协同设计技术、低功耗技术及SoC验证技术等[2]。此外,...
产品概述 描述 ST25DV-I2C iOS CryptoDemo application (STSW-ST25iOS003) shows how to establish a secure transfer channel over NFC between an STM32 microcontroller and an iPhone. It uses the fast transfer mode (FTM) feature of the ST25DVI2C NFC tag. ...
摘要: 描述了基于I2C总线多步进电机平台的设计,介绍了I2C总线通信协议的特点,给出了I2C总线在1片主MSP430G2553和8片从MSP430G2553之间数据传输程序流程图和整个平台的硬件结构框架,完成了基于I2C总线的单主多从通信,最终实现了对多路步进电机的控制。 关键词: I2C总线;MSP430G2553;单主多从;步进电机 ...