620 void (*prepare_recovery)(struct i2c_adapter *adap);/* recovery前的准备,比如disable i2c controller、复位(assert)i2c controller、disable clock等 */ 621 void (*unprepare_recovery)(struct i2c_adapter *adap);/* recovery后的工作,比如enable clock、解复位(deassert)i2c controller、 enable i2c cont...
MITTI2C BusRecovery The future is yours Microsoft Build · 2025/5/20 – 2025/5/23 立即注册 消除警报 Learn 登录 Windows 硬件开发人员 浏览 下载 Windows 驱动程序工具包示例 疑难解答 资源 仪表板 Device.BusController 其他文档 Device.Cluster Device.Connectivity...
主要用来完成i2c总线控制器相关的数据通信,此结构体在芯片厂商提供的代码中维护。 697structi2c_adapter{698structmodule*owner;699unsignedintclass;/* classes to allow probing for */700conststructi2c_algorithm*algo;//很重要根据rk的SOC 实现的通信算法701void*algo_data;702703/* data fields that are valid ...
MITTI2C BusRecovery Learn 登入 Windows 硬體開發人員 瀏覽 下載 Windows 驅動程式套件範例 疑難排解 資源 儀表板 本主題的部分內容可能是機器或 AI 翻譯。 關閉警示 Device.BusController 其他文件 Device.Cluster Device.Connectivity Device.DevFund Device.Display...
structi2c_bus_recovery_info*bus_recovery_info; conststructi2c_adapter_quirks*quirks; structirq_domain*host_notify_domain; structregulator*bus_regulator; }; 几个重要的成员: name:适配器的名称。 nr:适配器的编号。 bus_lock和bus_unlock:用于保护对适配器的并发访问的锁机制。
struct i2c_bus_recovery_info *bus_recovery_info; const struct i2c_adapter_quirks *quirks; struct irq_domain *host_notify_domain; struct regulator *bus_regulator; }; 几个重要的成员: name:适配器的名称。 nr:适配器的编号。 bus_lock 和 bus_unlock:用于保护对适配器的并发访问的锁机制。
This is now included as integral part of the uTasker I2C driver code - for reference, the detection/recovery code for the pins as used by the accelerometer on the KL25 freedom board is show below. In case of interest in trying this, I have attached a binary for the FRDM-KL25Z which ...
/*StartI2Ctransfer*/result=i2c_imx_start(i2c_imx);if(result){if(i2c_imx->adapter.bus_recovery_info) { i2c_recover_bus(&i2c_imx->adapter); result = i2c_imx_start(i2c_imx); } } if (result) goto fail0; /* read/write data */ for (i = 0; i<num;i++){if(i==num-1)is_las...
/* in jiffies */ int retries; struct device dev; /* the adapter device */ int nr; char name[48]; struct completion dev_released; struct mutex userspace_clients_lock; struct list_head userspace_clients; struct i2c_bus_recovery_info *bus_recovery_info; const struct i2c_adapter_quirks *qu...
struct i2c_bus_recovery_info *bus_recovery_info; const struct i2c_adapter_quirks *quirks; struct irq_domain *host_notify_domain; }; algo代表i2c_adapter所对应的i2c_algorithm,i2c_algorithm中的函数主要是为了实现设备与驱动的通信 struct i2c_algorithm { ...