stm32f407_i2c_read_write_example uint8_t Write_24Cxx(uint16_t Addr, uint8_t Data, uint8_t Mem_Type) { uint32_t timeout = I2C_TIMEOUT_MAX; uint8_t upper_addr,lower_addr; lower_addr = (uint8_t)((0x00FF)&Addr); if(Mem_Type==M24512) { Addr = Addr>>8; upper_addr = ...
default) w (read word data) c (write byte/read byte) Append p for SMBus PEC ...
(use pseudo random generator until LENGTH with value as seed)\n\n" "Example (bus 0, read 8 byte at offset 0x64 from EEPROM at 0x50):\n" " # i2ctransfer 0 w1@0x50 0x64 r8\n" "Example (same EEPROM, at offset 0x42 write 0xff 0xfe ... 0xf0):\n" " # i2ctransfer 0 w17...
(1)通过read、write实现对I2C设备的操作 #include <stdio.h>#include<fcntl.h>#include<unistd.h>#include<malloc.h>#include<sys/ioctl.h>#include<string.h>#include<linux/i2c.h>#include<linux/i2c-dev.h>#defineSLAVE_ADDRESS 0x50#defineI2C_WRITE_FLAG 0x00#defineI2C_READ_FLAG 0x01#defineUSAGE "...
I am trying to use the Kinetis SDK v2.3 with a TWR-K64F to read and write a 16kBit serial EEPROM (Microchip 24LC16B). Specifically, I am using the i2c_polling_b2b_transfer_master example and have simply changed the 7-bit slave address to that of the EEPROM (in this case, 0x50, ...
I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT,WriteBuffer+8*j,8,100)==HAL_OK){printf("\r\n EEPROM 24C02 Write Test OK \r\n");}else{printf("\r\n EEPROM 24C02 Write Test False \r\n");}}/* read date from EEPROM */HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1,ADDR_24LCxx_Read,0,I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT,ReadBuffer,...
The example code what they shared , later using MICKOE compiler library to continue the code . They are not using MPLAB IDE itself to read I2c Data and write. The Mcc configuration is easy . later how to use mcc function to read data is not explained. I have tried using library but ...
unsignedintI2cWrite(WifiIotI2cIdx id,unsignedshortdeviceAddr,constWifiIotI2cData*i2cData) 1. 复制 描述: 将数据写入I2C设备 参数: I2cRead() unsignedintI2cRead(WifiIotI2cIdx id,unsignedshortdeviceAddr,constWifiIotI2cData*i2cData) 1. 复制
3. 对设备文件进行读写时,可以调用read、write或者ioctl等方法,他们都是通过调用函数i2c_transfer来实现对I2C设备的操作的 int i2c_transfer(struct i2c_adapter * adap, struct i2c_msg *msgs, int num) { int ret; /* REVISIT the fault reporting model here is weak: ...