/** * @brief 读取I2C EEPROM数据 * @param * @arg ptr_read:读取缓冲区指针 * @arg address:地址 * @arg byte:读取的字节数 * @retval 无 */ void I2C_EE_BufferRead(unsigned char* ptr_read,unsigned char address,unsigned char byte) { unsigned char send_buffer[2] = {}; unsigned char rea...
public void Read(byte[] buffer); 参数 buffer Byte[] 要从I2 C 总线读取数据的缓冲区。 缓冲区的长度决定了要从设备请求的数据量。 适用于 产品版本 WinRT Build 10586, Build 14383, Build 15063, Build 16299, Build 17134, Build 17763, Build 18362, Build 19041, Build 20348, Build 22000, Build...
I2cDevice.Read(Span<Byte>) 方法參考 意見反應 定義命名空間: System.Device.I2c 組件: System.Device.Gpio.dll 套件: System.Device.Gpio v3.0.0 從I2C 裝置讀取資料。 C# 複製 public abstract void Read (Span<byte> buffer); 參數 buffer Span<Byte> 要從I2C 裝置讀取資料的緩衝區。緩衝區的長度...
printf("0x%02X ", i2c_buffer_read[i]);printf("Err:data read and write aren't matching.\n\...
@param temp read data pointer @return the reading status, RT_EOK reprensents reading the data successfully. */ static rt_err_t mpu6xxx_get_temp_raw(struct mpu6xxx_device *dev, rt_int16_t *temp) { rt_uint8_tbuffer[2];rt_err_tres; ...
如果ACK一段时间没返回主设备马上AF。。结果经常死在I2C_CheckEvent 解决办法:一:不要用库,每一段...
/* read bytes into buffer*/ ret = readbytes(i2c_adap, pmsg); if (ret >= 1) bit_dbg(2, &i2c_adap->dev, "read %d byte%s\n", ret, ret == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (ret < pmsg->len) { if (ret >= 0) ret = -EREMOTEIO; ...
这时需要调用两次 i2c_transfer, I2C read 拆分成两次,修改如下: 复制 staticinti2c_read_bytes(structi2c_client*client,u8cmd,u8*data,u8data_len) {structi2c_msgmsgs[2];intret;u8*buffer;buffer=kzalloc(data_len,GFP_KERNEL);if(!buffer)return-ENOMEM;msgs[0].addr=client->addr;msgs[0].flags=clien...
I2C_SendData(I2C1, _i2c_dev.TxBuffer[_i2c_dev.tx_idx]); _i2c_dev.tx_idx++; if( _i2c_dev.tx_len == _i2c_dev.tx_idx ) { _i2c_dev.state = BMP280_I2C_READ_REG2; } } break; /* EV8_2 */ case I2C_EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_TRANSMITTED: ...