I2C CODEC CONFIGURING IN POLLED MODE TEST! pscValue:8 clock:57 CSL_testRegister bus busy masterMode set stop bit set start bit CSL_I2C_TIMEOUT_ERROR I2C Write Failed!! Read Write Buffers Don't Match for Register:0 with Value:0 CSL_testRegister Failed!! CSL_testRegister bus busy timeout...
It may be used in polled mode as the below example shows: I2C_TransferReturn_TypeDef ret; // Do a polled transfer ret = I2C_TransferInit (I2C0, seq); while (ret == i2cTransferInProgress ) { ret = I2C_Transfer (I2C0); } It may also be used in interrupt driven mode,...
However using polled mode, I was able to do some testing. I used the I2C spy function of a Digilent Analog Discovery 2 device to see what the pins are doing. The following is from using the MCC "polled " method. This makes use of the WriteNBytes, and ReadNBytes functions. Start, hB...
3.3.2 IER versus Receive/Transmit FIFO Polled Mode Operation When FCR BIT-0 equals a logic 1 for FIFO enable; resetting IER bits 0-3 enables the XR20M1280 in the FIFO polled mode of operation. Since the receiver and transmitter have separate bits in the LSR either or both can be used ...
group of functions that can be relocated into RAM (when in this mode) and execute from there. This code would need to be able to read from the EEPROM and write to the Flash. And this would all need to be done with interrupts disabled (all ...
2. in polling mode, exists a flag bit that lets me work in this mode? Since there is not extra byte buffering in the IIC hardware, then the ISR is necessary if you cannot poll fast enough before the next byte arrives. So a slower bitrate could possibly make the polled mode possible....
I2C temperature sensor. It also includes a software example where two EFM32s are connected; each EFM32 will operate in either slave or master mode and talk to the other
When configured in slave mode, the I2C controller can only respond to the external master device. A slave cannot initiate a transfer over the I2C bus, only a master can initiate transfers. Both master and slave can transfer data over the I2C bus, but tha
Interrupt mode operation 002aab042 7.5.2 Polled mode operation In Polled mode (IER[3:0] = 0000) the status of the receiver and transmitter can be checked by polling the Line Status Register (LSR). This mode is an alternative to the FIFO Interrupt mode of operation where the status of ...
*A Page 16 of 42 I2C Bootloader BootLdrI2C_Poll() 和 BootLdrI2C_BootLdr_Poll() 说明: 在 Communication_ Service_Type 参数设置为 " 轮询 "(Polled) 时使用. 此函数提供了一个由用 户控制的进入 I/O 处理例程的入口. 如果将 Communication_Service_Type 参数设置为 " 中断...