3. **使用DMA(Direct Memory Access)**:如果可能,使用DMA来处理I2C数据传输。这样可以减少CPU的负担...
I am having troubles reading user memory and config regs from a NTAG 5 Link device (NTP5332) through i2c interface. I am writing a general driver to
hal_i2c_mem_read_dma原理 English: hal_i2c_mem_read_dma is a function used in embedded systems to perform a direct memory access (DMA) read operation on an I2C bus. The function leverages the I2C peripheral's DMA capabilities to efficiently transfer datafrom a specified memory address to a...
case 0x28: //发送完1字节数据:发送EEPROM中memory地址也会产生,发送后面的数据也会产生 if(0 == SendFlg) { if(u8SendLen <WRITELEN) { I2C_SendData(CW_I2C1,u8Senddata[u8SendLen++]); } else { u8SendLen = 0; Comm_flg = 1; SendFlg = 1; I2C_GenerateSTOP(CW_I2C1, ENABLE);//发送完...
As they are currently implemented, these methods only accept a single 8-bit integer for the starting address for an I2C device memory read or write. There needs to be a way to optionally support wider addresses (perhaps using a bytes() type buffer structure? maybe even a hex string or a...
读当前地址CURRENT ADDRESS READ 只要发送器件地址就能读当前内存地址所指向的地址空间数据,最后的读数据可以不需要发送ACK 随机读RANDOM READ 需要发送器件地址,然后发送内存地址,之后再发送器件地址并且读取到数据,最后的读数据可以不需要发送ACK。 连续读SEQUENTIAL READ ...
如下图,我不太清楚这个怎么翻译,但是可以感觉到他需要产生高压将数据写入到非易失内存(nonvolatile memory)中,这个过程需要占用一定的时间。 记住这个5ms,我们之后会再说,下面我们看另一个问题。 如果你去上网查EEPROM的教程,会发现大多是以24C02为例子写的,巧合吗?显然不是。我们知道IIC一次发送可以传8bit数据,而...
HAL_StatusTypeDef res = HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(hi2c, DevAddress, mem_base_address + offset, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT, vals, size, 100); HAL_Delay(1); } void persistent_memory_i2c_eeprom::clear_block( uint32_t offset, uint32_t size ) { uint8_t vals[32] = {};...