I2C Communication Protocol:I2C通信协议或集成电路互连通信协议。I2C:在无法书写上标数字“2”时,可书写为“IIC”或“I2C”。二. 什么是总线(Bus)2.1 计算机中Bus术语的来源 早期的计算机体积庞大,连线复杂(如图1-2),所有数据都通过实际的电缆传输,这变得非常混乱。把这些大捆的杂乱的电缆线,有序的布置...
从I2C的基本原理出发,我们将介绍其变体子集——系统管理总线(SMBus)和电源管理总线(PMBus)——的可用性及二者的区别。这三种协议各有专门的功能,旨在满足不同的客户需求。 为何重要? I2C 有利于设计人员在系统的众多节点之间建立简单、双向、灵活的通信。I2C仅使用两条双向线来发送和接收信...
Pull up resistor will influence rise time of up edge, which is the most important characteristic in I2C bus, if rise time is too long, SDA might change during SCL HIGH, which will violate protocol. Rise time is not just related to pull up resistor, but alsoCapacitors all along the bus-...
The address always has to be sent as the first byte after the start condition in the I2C-bus protocol. The last bit of the address byte is the read/write-bit which sets the direction of the following data transfer 从芯片原理图得知A0,A1,A2接地,1001000X,那么其地址就是0x90或者是0x91,...
I2C Communication Protocol:I2C通信协议或集成电路互连通信协议。 I2C:在无法书写上标数字“2”时,可书写为“IIC”或“I2C”。 二. 什么是总线(Bus) 2.1 计算机中Bus术语的来源 图1-2 早期的ENIAC计算机 图1-3 有序排列的线束 早期的计算机体积庞大,连线复杂(如图1-2),所有数据都通过实际的电缆传输,这变得非...
bus. This protocol mainly depends on the frame encapsulation approach. This frame always includes START, the Header, the data & the STOP. This bus is always initialized within SDR mode & not at all within HDR modes. CCC commands protocol is formatted by using only SDR and CCC is ...
The address always has to be sent as the first byte after the start condition in the I2C-bus protocol. The last bit of the address byte is the read/write-bit which sets the direction of the following data transfer 从芯片原理图得知A0,A1,A2接地,1001000X,那么其地址就是0x90或者是0x91,看...
摘自<<I2C-bus specification and user manual>> Rev. 6 -- 4 April 2014 1 features 1) two bus lines: SCL, SDA 2) each device is software addressable 3) multi-master 4) 100kb/s ~ Standard-mode; 3.4Mb/s ~ High-speed mode 2 protocol ...
I2C Communication Protocol:I2C通信协议或集成电路互连通信协议。 I2C:在无法书写上标数字“2”时,可书写为“IIC”或“I2C”。 二. 什么是总线(Bus) 2.1 计算机中Bus术语的来源 图1-2 早期的ENIAC计算机 图1-3 有序排列的线束 早期的计算机体积庞大,连线复杂(如图1-2),所有数据都通过实际的电缆传输,这变得非...
I2C Bus ProtocolI2C Bus HardwareBus ArbitrationClock SynchronizationUsing the Clock Synchronizing Mechanism as a HandshakeSpecial Addresses and ExceptionsEnhanced I2C (FAST Mode)High-Speed I2C (HS-Mode)Extended Addressing (10-bit)I2C Bus Events