I⊃2C A/D converter guarantees 16-bit performance in small packageIsmini Scouras
asynchronous clock. The combination of an I2C serial, 2-wire interface and micropower consumption makes the ADS7830 ideal for applications requiring the A/D converter to be close to the input source in remote locations and for applications requiring isolation. The ADS7830 is available in a TSSOP...
The FDA2100BLV is a new BCD technology dual bridge class D amplifier, specially intended for car radio applications. Thanks to the BCD6-SOI (Silicon On Insulation) technology it is possible to integrate a high performance D/A converter together with powerful MOSFET output amplifier working in cl...
单片机的常用功能包括:定时器(Timer)、I/O口、外部中断、通讯接口、A/D转换、PWM等。之前,金誉半导体已经带领大家重点了解过定时器(Timer)和I/O口这两个功能。接下来,我们将深入了解通讯接口的功能。 MCU单片机所提供的通讯接口通常包括SPI接口、UART、I²C接口等,它们的功能如下: SPI接口:此类接口是绝大多数MC...
a state-of-the-art 24-bit analog-to-digital converter module designed for precision data acquisition. With its low power consumption and versatile I2C serial interface, this module is ideal for a wide range of applications, from industrial automation to consumer electronics. The ADS1220 ADC is ...
8-bitA/DandD/AconverterPCF8591 1FEATURES •Singlepowersupply •Operatingsupplyvoltage2.5Vto6V •Lowstandbycurrent 2 •Serialinput/outputviaIC-bus •Addressby3hardwareaddresspins 3GENERALDESCRIPTION 2 •SamplingrategivenbyIC-busspeed ThePCF8591isasingle-chip,single-supplylowpower ...
M62334P 143Kb / 10P 8-bit 4ch I2C BUS D/A Converter with Buffer Amplifiers M62333P 128Kb / 10P 8-bit 3ch I2C BUS D/A Converter with Buffer Amplifiers M62392P 124Kb / 9P 8-bit 12ch I2C BUS D/A Converter with Buffer Amplifiers More results Html...
FDA801 is a new BCD technology quad BRIDGE class D amplifier, specially intended for automotive applications. Thanks to the technology used, it is possible to integrate a high performance D/A converter together with powerful MOSFET outputs in class D, to get an outstanding efficiency compared with...
基于HDMI应用的I2C电平转换器和DC-DC转换器的设计和研究Based on the application of I2C HDI level converters and DC - DC converter design and research.docx,A b s tr a c t H D M I (H igh -D efin ition M u ltim ed ia In terface) is an in d u stry stan dard for