I10-index is the number of publications with at least 10 citations. The second column has the "recent" version of this metric which is the number of publications that have received at least 10 new citations in the last 5 years. P.S. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H-index ...
1.谷歌学术评价指标——H指数(h-index)和i10指数(i10-index) H指数是于2005年由美国加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校物理学家乔治·希尔施(JorgeHirsch)首先提出[4],是用来评价科研工作者的科研绩效的一项指标。H指数的计算方式和H5指数一样,即某学者所发表的所有论文中有N篇的引用数超过N次,N值就是此学者的H指数。
Although the h-index currently has one additional derivative index, the i10-index, which is a measure of the number of publications with 10 or more citations, the i10-index is clearly not a sufficient differentiating factor for academics with very high citation counts such as HCRs. In this ...
Research Publications: 45 (Google Scholar: Citations: 55 h-index: 5 i10-index:2) (Scopus : Citations: 12 h-index: 2 i10-index: ) h-index (Scopus)=32 h-index (Google scholar)=35 i10-index (Google scholar)=106 To visit the English resume please click here 2 HAMID MIRZADEH Pro......
The purpose of this editorial note was to conduct a citation analysis of the Webology journal in order to show the journal impact factor, h-index, i10-index, i20-index, and patent citations. This note indicates to what extent the Webology journal is used and cited by the international sci...
Contributor Consti10 commented Jun 2, 2023 Since it might change dynamically in the future, publish mcs index va mavlink in regular intervals use unused0 for the mcs index 5e9922e Consti10 merged commit c0cffb2 into 2.3-evo Jun 2, 2023 Consti10 deleted the 2.3-evo-consti-dev branch...
车图供参考, 以门店实物为准 微型轿车现代i10 同组车型 手动4座2门建议坐2人+1个24寸行李箱 8.5 满意 全球连锁 送 送自驾里程 评价(237) 查看全部 车况好 196 服务佳 199 无推销 22 无隐性消费 25 黄** 02-04 超棒 没有废话,速度很快 07月10日 周一 19:00 22天 08月01日 周二 19:00 取还 ...
Index of /2218-4333/full/v3/i10/ The critical behavior of the shear modulus of agarose gel was studied as a function of concentration and temperature. Experimental evidence is presented th... - 《Index of》 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Does the Market React to the Reputation of Capital Expenditure...
Index of /1949-8470/abstract/v4/i10/ - 《Index of》 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Index of /1949-8470/abstract/v1/i10/ - 《Index of》 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Index of /1949-8470/abstract/v6/i10/ - 《Index of》 被引量: 0发表: 0年 ...
2008款现代i10海外版 车型信息车型报价车型图片参数配置经销商车型详解油耗二手车点评宝论坛 共39张图 外观颜色: - 车身外观 中控方向盘 中控方向盘 厂商指导价:停产停售 全款购车:-贷款购车>> 长 宽 高:- 车身结构:- 变 速 箱:- 排量:- 最大马力:- 驱动方式:- 工信部油耗:- 质保:- 降价信息 北京...