Trichlorotrifluoroethane( 三氯三氟代乙烷 i-propyl ether( 丙基醚; 丙醚 Chlorobenzene( 氯苯 ...|基于390个网页 2. 丙醚 《常用溶剂极性表》,-来宝网 ... Trichlorotrifluoroethane( 三氯三氟代乙烷 i-propyl ether( 丙基醚; 丙醚 Chlorobenzene( 氯苯 ...|基于105个...
Quick Product Finder Investor Relations Quick Product Finder Career Quick Product Finder Di-i-propyletherC6H14O CAS-No.: 108-20-3 UN-No.: 1159 EC-No.: 203-560-6 Hazard identification number: 33 Hazard signs GHS02 GHS07 *Source: GESTIS Substance Database, ...
Trichlorophloroglucinol tri-n- or -i- propyl ether may be converted to trichlorophloroglucinol or phloroglucinol by hydrolysis and, optionally, dechlorination.
Discover Allyl o-i-propylphenyl ether for Sale with Guidechem Looking for Allyl o-i-propylphenyl ether (CAS 942-58-5) suppliers? Guidechem has you covered. We've sourced Allyl o-i-propylphenyl ether suppliers from 1 different countries and regions, offering you access to 1 products worldwide...
n-PROPYLDIMETHYL(DIMETHYLAMINO)SILANEcas:77303-23-2 ALLYL(DIISOPROPYL)(4-METHOXYPHENYL)SILANEcas:216107-40-3 2-ALLYL PHENYL ALLYL ETHERcas:3383-05-9 Silane, methoxydimethylphenyl-cas:63148-58-3 Silane, methoxydimethylphenyl-cas:17881-88-8 dimethoxymethylpropyl-Silanecas:18173-73-4...
BIS(2,3-DICHLOROPROPYL) ETHER CAS号 7774-68-7 结构式图片 EINECS号 231-879-0 扩展信息 VIP试用医疗器械查询APP下载客服中心常见问题数据可视化数据分析挖掘系统网站地图业务介绍友情链接 400-678-0778 投诉热线: (023) 6262 8397 邮箱: QQ: 236960938 友情链接: 药物在...
Soluble in water, low carbon alcohol, glycerol, N,N-methyl formamide, soluble in acetone, ethyl acetate, slightly soluble in carbon tetrachloride, ether and chloroform, but insoluble in aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons. Its Hygroscopicity is about 50% of that of glycerol...
The key step in the nine-step synthetic route is coupling of cytosine with the side-chain derivative 8 which bears a protected phosphonylmethyl ether group. In vitro data showed that HPMPC has...doi:10.1002/chin.198918315WEBB, R. R. II...
Isopropyl alcohol is a colorless and transparent liquid with a smell similar to the mixture of ethanol and acetone. It can be miscible with alcohol, ether, chloroform and water. It can dissolve alkaloids, rubber, shellac, rosin, synthetic resin and...
英文全称polypropylene glycol diglycidyl ether 中文解释聚丙二醇二缩水甘油醚 缩写分类化学化工, GNS全局命名空间 AAEE美国电气工程师协会 BCO二进制编码的八进制 HB高频带 HA半加法器 EMIT电磁感应高频扬声器 FA现场应用 PF滤液酚酞碱度 NIDS网络入侵检测系统 ...