In this article, we provide the first detailed overview of the literature on the I-optimal design of mixture experiments and identify several contradictions. For the second-order and the special cubic model, we present continuous I-optimal designs and contrast them with the published results. We ...
In this article, we explore 17 design scenarios for K = 2, 3, and 4-factor designed experiments with the goal of good prediction precision for a standard second-order response surface model. We present the two optimal designs based on either criterion alone, and then provide a rich set...
skpris an open source design of experiments suite for generating and evaluating optimal designs in R. Here is a sampling of what skpr offers: Generates and evaluates D, I, A, Alias, E, T, and G optimal designs, as well as user-defined custom optimality criteria. ...
Choice experiments involving mixtures of ingredients have been largely overlooked in the literature, even though many products and services can be described as mixtures of ingredients. As a consequence, little research has been done on the optimal design of choice experiments involving mixtures. The ...
Roelof CoetzerLinda M. HainesChemometrics & Intelligent Laboratory SystemsCoetzer, R.; Haines, L.M. The construction of D- and I-optimal designs for mixture experiments with linear constraints on the components. Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst. 2017, 171, 112-124. [CrossRef]...
In Industrial and Pharmaceutical experiments it is desired to have best predictions of the response on the basis of small amount of data. Mixture experiment generally aims to predict the response(s) for all possible mixture blends. When we compute optimal design for mixtu...
However, design of experiments is hardly ever used during copolymerization parameter estimation schemes. In the current work, copolymerization experiments for both AMPS/AAm and AMPS/AAc are designed using two optimal techniques (Tidwell-Mortimer and the error-in-variables-model (EVM)). From these ...
Goos, PeterUniversity of Antwerp, Faculty of Applied EconomicsWorking PapersSyafitri, U. D., Sartono, B., and Goos, P. (2015). I-optimal design of mixture experiments in the presence of ingredient availability constraints. Journal of Quality Technology, 47:220-234....