報稅時採用列舉扣減(itemized deductions)、個人年收入超過20萬元以上的納稅人,都不符合使用IRS免費電子報稅服務的資格。 2024年報稅季自29日開始,4月15日截止,國稅局推出名稱為「直接申報」(Direct File)的網路報稅窗口,讓納稅人可以按部就...
Internal Revenue Service. "SOI Tax Stats - IRS Data Book Index of Tables," Table 7, Table 8 (2024). Our Research Expert Jack Caporal Jack Caporal is the Research Director for The Motley Fool and Motley Fool Money....
Andy Phillips, vice president at The Tax Institute at H&R Block, told The Motley Fool, "while this income has always been reportable to the IRS, the number of people who receive a Form 1099-K will increase signi...