科罗拉多斯普林斯南I-25智选假日酒店(Holiday Inn Express & Suites Colorado Springs South I-25) 4435 Venetucci Blvd, 科罗拉多斯普林斯显示地图 开业:2020洲际酒店集团智选假日酒店及套房科罗拉多斯普林斯南I-25位于科罗拉多泉斯特拉穆尔,距离布罗德莫尔世界竞技场和夏延山州立公园不到 10 分钟车程。 此酒店距离皮克什皮...
670 Eagleridge Blvd, 普韦布洛显示地图 装修:2019不论是商务还是休闲旅客,I-25品质酒店都能让您的普韦布洛之行变得更加美好而难忘。从酒店出发,至普埃布罗梅莫里阿尔机场仅有11km远。到Greenhorn Mountain Wilderness Area仅需步行很短距离。酒店坐落于Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo Museum边,附近还有很多景...
Denver, Colorado. The 119,700 SF, eleven-story office building is located at Colorado Blvd/I-25. Originally built in 1971, the office building features amenities not common to traditional office buildings. These features include a sauna, steam room, jacuzzi, full-sized swimming pool, balconies ...
若您計劃前往位於西普韋布洛的Quality Inn I-25,最近的機場是科羅拉多斯普林斯機場(Colorado Springs Airport, COS),距離酒店約73公里。從機場出發,您可以選擇租車、自駕或搭乘計程車。若您選擇自駕,請沿著機場的指示牌駛入I-25南向,這條高速公路將直通瑞吉,行車約需一小時。沿途您能欣賞到壯麗的科羅拉多州風景,讓您...
科罗拉多斯普林斯I-25中央汉普顿酒店 (Hampton Inn Colorado Springs I-25 Central) 2.5等级(最高为5等级) 1060 Kelly Johnson Blvd, 布里尔盖特, 科罗拉多斯普林斯(CO), 美国, 80920 - 查看地图 入住受Hilton CleanStay标准认证,且提供停车场[免费]的住宿,享受完美科罗拉多斯普林斯(CO)行。 住宿位于布里尔盖...
其他(培布羅) This Quality Inn I-25 hotel is located three miles from Colorado State University-Pueblo and Walking Stick Golf Course. 每間房每晚參考房價?NT$2,318 起選擇住宿日期,搜尋訂房優惠 地址 670 Eagleridge Blvd. Pueblo (CO) United States檢視地圖 入住時間 15:00-01:00 退房時間 11:00 ...
The Colorado Department of Transportation started closing portions of interstates on Wednesday morning when the Bomb Cyclone hit.
The Cheyenne Office of the National Weather Service says travelers onInterstate 80between Cheyenne and Laramie and parts of I-25, including the stretch of highway between Cheyenne and Colorado, should be ready for dense fog. Sign up for the KGAB Newsletter ...
Denver International Airport officials are asking people stuck at the airport to take the University of Colorado A-Line to Denver's Union Station, and for people to pick up passengers there due to difficulties getting to the airport. Interstate 76 is closed: ...
For example, Burkholderia-like microorganisms comprised a significant proportion of the soil microbiota at the Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge Site (IFRC), Oak Ridge, Tennessee [15] as well as Rifle, Colorado [16]. The intrinsic ability of Burkholderiales to dominate uraniferous...