i will tell you later i will trun myself ar i will worship i will worship you i willing to follow y i wish everybody happ i wish i could fk eve i wish i had said tha i wish mister simpson i wish that we could i wish the stars woul i wish there was anot i wish u could ...
ijustwanttolivewhilei iknewitwasreal iloveyoubaby iwanttostandwithyouon iwaswelcomedwithopena iwillnever iwishicouldbringyouto iwontwriteitagain iwouldratherbeapoorma im going to a town im not like you im still standing iÓng-khÌ iÔng iĀu im in position id even miss our date id...
thoughtheydon?treadthemasmuchastheirparentswishthemto,”saidJoannaSikora,asociologistinAustralia.Joannaandhercolleaguesanalyzeddatacollectedbetween2011and2015bythe OrganizationforEconomicDevelopment.Thesurveyassessedtheliteracy,numeracy(计算 能力), and technological competency of more than 160,000adultsfrom31countries....
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And we 7 a plan tomorrow.” “Well, my family can afford the trip. Do I still have to do that?” Shelly asked. “Shelly, this will be a different and 8 learning experience for everyone, whether you have the money or not.” That day, we knew Danny 9 than before because he was...
2023-11-04: The Book of Numbers by John Conway & Richard Guy (***). 319 pages. Published in 1995. 2023-11-03: Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things by Adam Grant (***). 304 pages. Published in 2023. 2023-11-01: Eye of the Hurricane by Richard Bellman (***...
I wish my city had such great places to sit. This artwork by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (below) is stunning. Plus it is related to your pulse. Intriguing, yes? Speaking of stunning, check out these bold black houses. I just love to look at them and to imagine staying in them. As for ...
I think I was a little spoiled by my Poppy. “And I knew for sure I was loved If I could get another chance, another walk, another dance with him I’d play a song that would never, ever end How I’d love, love, love To dance with my father again.” ...
How I wish my mother were alive to see this. I know what you’re thinking: bullshit. How can this be the greatest day in the history of the Republican Party? What about freeing the slaves? The day that Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation was a pretty good day. But in ...
It’s like my insides were retrieved and pulled back in time, to another place. I wasn’t that little boy the the showers, but dammit if I don’t remember the feeling of knowing, of knowing without a fucking doubt that someone knew. Someone saw and someone could have stopped it and ...