正しい英語の表現に直すと、「I wouldn't just wait while I know that they are after me」となります。この文は、「彼らが私を追いかけているを知っているのに、ただじっと待っているわけではない」という意味です。「they are after me」という表現は、誰かが自分を追いかけていることを...
"I can't wait to catch up with her." ↑ 日本語訳をお願いしますI’m very excited to see and talk to her again 的定义
Woman: Take a seat. I'm going to brew some coffee. Would you like some? Boss: Yes, thank you. Woman: With or without sugar? Boss: With sugar please. Woman: Alright. Just wait a few minutes. --- Woman: Here you go! Boss: thank you!