I stand lyric,I stand song by TSUTCHIE,seed music provides free online trial listening, if you like it, please share it with your friends
i float along like a i followed it i for you love i forget the lyrics i forgive myself i fought off giant be i fought until the li i found out that i fucked up on this t i gave her time i gave my heart to a i gave now i m wantin i gave up i gave you milk and n i ...
You stand so tallYou make me feel smallYou never fallYou never fallI try againLooking at my feetOne two three, one two threeone two three...You'll have to lead meOne two three, one two three... room_nine 我勒个去 8 歌名I Wanna Be YourI wanna be your TVthen you will ...
I ll Stand By You - Girls Aloud lyric,I ll Stand By You - Girls Aloud song by 英文群星3,seed music provides free online trial listening, if you like it, please share it with your friends
i like the colour i like the design i like the lyrics i like the music i like the way you al i like the way you ar i like the way you ho i like the wind i like these boys on i like this job i like those thoughts i like to keep busy i like to show off i like watching ...
[Eminem & Nate Dogg]Outro: Until the roof, (Until the roof)the roof comes off (The roof comes off)Until my legs, (Until my legs)give out from underneath me,I, I will not fall,I will stand tallFeels like no one canbeat me歌曲:I’ll Try lrc歌词: 暂无LRC格式歌词 ...
I will not fall, 我也不会倒下I will stand tall, 我要引人注目Feels like no one could beat me. 我要无人能敌 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 百度网友b0b8f9ebe 2011-07-06 · TA获得超过294个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:572 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:271万 ...
A plague and platinum status is wack if I'm not the baddest so Outro: Until the roof, (Until the roof) the roof comes off (The roof comes off) Until my legs, (Until my legs) give out from underneath me, I, I will not fall, I will stand tall Feels like no one can beat me...
the roof comes off (The roof comes off)直到屋顶掀翻 Until my legs, (Until my legs)直到我的腿... give out from underneath me,精疲力竭 I, I will not fall,我不会倒下 I will stand tall我会永远屹立 Feels like no one can没一个人能像我这样 beat me没人能打败我打开...
the sun needs my command I'm gonna make a stand, condemn this twisted land I'm sure you'd agree, but I can't leave you see All of your days will be blessed So put on a smile and get dressed Into the void we will fly away from here All of your thoughts will be crowned You'...