When you move the camera, or you do a shot like the crane down (in Shawshank) with them standing on the edge of the roof, then it's got to mean something. You've got to know why you're doing it; it's got to be for a reason within the story, and to further the story. — ...
are you saying I’m stupid? are you saying my father is a wino? are you saying I’m a pikie?” Always she will express her total indifference to what others think or have to say by repeatedly asking “Am I bovvered?” At no time will she ever admit to any error, acknowledge the ...
Sideshows also seemed to feature in this stranger than life election season. The grandson of a prominent Karnataka politician facing allegations of rape (said grandson also being a candidate in these elections) has raised the political temperature as has the alleged assault on an Aam Aadmi Party ...
Nebraska Records) will be unveiling new songs that they’re currently recording with Steve Micek (The Stay Awake). Opening is Lincoln band The Surprise Left, whose lineup includes Rich Higgins on guitar/vocals (ex-Sideshow, The Holy Ghost, Imperialia, Pat the Bunny, Eric the Red, Peer Pup...
Matthews. If you're a post-punk fan, you'll never find a better time to check out this new all-ages venue. No booze! $6, 7 p.m. Who knows how long that show at The Hole will last, but figure it'll be over before 11. Next stop is The Brothers Lounge, where tonight Con...
Sideshow 200569 威廉 斯托特的虹骑士 William Stout's Red Rider 13寸 雕像,9月27日截单,2020年6至8月出货【预订优惠价=2350元】 http://t.cn/AiE9lv6T Brand:William Stout Manufacturer:Sideshow Collecti...
Those lucky enough to be at Duffy’s this Saturday for Domestica’s debut will also likely be treated to a few Mercy Rule songs, Gary said. And if (like me) you can’t make it, don’t worry. Plans are under way to set up a show here in Omaha in the near future. ...