I put my trust, therefore, in your mother's blood. I delivered you to her sister, her only remaining relative." — Dumbledore explaining to Harry how he sought to uphold Lily's sacrifice[src]Albus Dumbledore, her former headmaster
i got my neck i got m i got no motivation i got no need for ali i got serious trust i i got up there and th i got you something i got your email abou i got your message by i gotta bounce i gotta cancel those i gotta figure out a i gotta go my own way i graduated from...
“Behold, my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights: I have put my Spirit on him. He will bring justice to the nations. He will
When Shenzhen was made a Special Economic Zone, the architects considered this point and thought about establishing a “Shenzhen Dollar”, and midway through seemed to want to strengthen the area’s autonomy as well. This is because they realized that the trust placed in Hong Kong stemmed from...
Last March, President Xi Jinping put forth the Global Civilization Initiative and clearly stated four aspects that should be jointly advocated. First and foremost, jointly advocate the diversity of civilizations. Countries need to uphold the principles of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusive...
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Your design choice can build or break trust. You can use elements in your design to educate users about what is happening in terms of AML measures. A quick tooltip, popup, or other brief indicators or explainers make AML regulations more visible, as well as implementing design elements that...
To uphold j ustice. Justi ce is the la st line of Defense t o safeguard fairne ss and justice, to une quiv ocally support the courts a nd pr ocuratorates independently exerci se level .. . Judi cial activitie s were rampant, m ust not be allowed to r un, fa vors, mone y,...
Impact of Islamic religiosity on ethical leadership: Mediating role of ethical climate and trust in leader. J Bus Ethics. 2019;156(1):99–115. Google Scholar Hossain MM, Rana MM. Investigating the Mediating Role of Work Engagement in the Relationship between Principals’ Religious Values and ...
The trust of the people lies only with those who remain true to the aspiration of the people and work in concert with the people. 3 Chapter One: Why Have the Chinese People Chosen the CPC? A trust and credibility report released by a world-renowned survey institution in 2020 showed that ...