hindI.通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。A: Hi, Jane! What did you do yesterday?B: I went on a tirp to London.gA:(1)?B: It was very good.A: Really?(2)?B: My parents.A:(3)?B: We visited Big Ben and went shopping.?A:(4)B: It was sunny and warm.A:(5)B: Sure. ...
in English: 1. abroad He went abroad. Living abroad is the best way to learn a foreign language. A correspondent must soon adjust himself to life abroad. When you travel abroad, you usually need a passport. She studied abroad in order to brush up her English. People traveling abroad ...
the fourth thursday i the fourth the fifth the fox in the quest the fox preys farther the fox went ahead the fragrant orchids the framework of macr the france shipping r the free education pr the free trade area o the freedom of writin the french and dutch the french said the fresh pri...
A critically wounded elephant went berserk and attacked every living thing in his path. Some men are slained, others wounded, others reported missing in action. This was a hospital for wounded soldiers. He was taken into a hospital with several cuts. He got wounded in a club fight. In the...
Life Hill Gayi: With Divyendu Sharma, Mukti Mohan, Kusha Kapila, Vinay Pathak. Siblings turns rivals when they are put on an inheritance race by reviving a down-in-the-dumps hotel in the hills. Who will emerge victorious?
one dark night one day habit one day in sping one day thousand km one days degeneration one day i went to ski one death three crimi one diamond hotel one dimensional flow one direction one dish one dollar and fifty one expert argues one eyewitness is bet one falter one final dance with...
Learn how to pronounce the English vowels I and E correctly in this free English lesson! Spanish and Japanese students especially tend to have difficulties with these sounds, but anyone who is not a native speaker will benefit!
zam·in·dar·i alsozem·in·dar·y(zăm′ən-där′ē, zĕm′-, zə-mēn-) n.pl.zam·in·dar·isalsozem·in·dar·ies 1.The system of tax collection by zamindars. 2.The area administered by a zamindar. [Hindizamīndāri, from Persian, fromzamīndār,zamindar; seezamindar....
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