经典英文故事绘本_I Was So Mad 我很生气_亲子读物.pdf,幼儿英语启蒙学习儿童早教双语幼儿园贵族幼儿园培养天赋才能自律英文学校
学乐武汉江岸校区 2022-11-30 19:55 发表于湖北 《I Was So Mad》小怪物今天很生气。一开始它想把它的小青蛙放在浴缸里,但是妈妈不让,所以它很生气;它想把头伸进妹妹的玩具屋,但是爸爸不允许;然后它想在干净的床单上玩捉迷藏,但是奶奶说绝对不行;当小怪物无法如...
然后妈妈说我可以。 I'll run away tomorrow if I'm still so mad. 如果明天我还是这么生气,我再离家出走吧。
I was so mad. 我太生气了。 I wanted to play hide-and-seek in the clean sheets but Grandma said,"No,you can't." 我想在洗干净的床单下面玩捉迷藏但是奶奶说,“不行,你不能这么做。” I was just so mad. 我很生气。 I wanted to water the garden but Grandpa said,"No,you can't." 我...
绘本故事《I was so mad》- 适合 绘本《I was so mad》, 绘本内容
I was so mad. 我很生气! I wanted to play with my little sister's dollhouse 我想玩妹妹的玩具, but Dad wouldn't let me . 但是爸爸不让。 I was so mad. 我很生气! I wanted to play hide-and-seek in the clean sheets 我想在干净的床单旁玩捉迷藏, but Grandma said, " No, you can...
00:00/00:00 英语绘本故事-I WAS SO MAD每天一篇绘本故事记录学习时光 拳击那点事发布于:江西省2023.08.07 00:00 +1 首赞 英语绘本故事-I WAS SO MAD每天一篇绘本故事记录学习时光
I was so mad. 我很生气! I wanted to play hide-and-seek in the clean sheets 我想在干净的床单旁玩捉迷藏, but Grandma said, " No, you can't." 但是奶奶说,“不,你不能玩床单。” I was just so mad. 我如此的生气! I wanted to water the garden ...
I was somad. 我太生气了。 I wanted to play with my little sister s dollhouse but Dad wouldn t let me. 我想玩妹妹的娃娃小屋但是爸爸不让我这么做。 I was so mad. 我太生气了。 I wanted to play hide-and-seek in the clean sheets but Grandma said,"No,you can t." ...
I was so mad. 我太生气了。 I wanted to play hide-and-seek in the clean sheets but Grandma said,"No,you can't." 我想在洗干净的床单下面玩捉迷藏但是奶奶说,“不行,你不能这么做。” I was just so mad. 我很生气。 I wanted to water the garden but Grandpa said,"No,you can't." ...