I’d occasionally visit on my own. One day, during one of my solo visits, one of Packy’s keepers noticed me playing a game of“hide ‘n seek”with Packy. It was a slow day;moiselfwas the only visitor at the elephant habitat. I’d noticed Packy watching me as I stood...
Belle was coming down for a quick/overnight visit, via Amtrak from Washington, to join MH and I and friends in celebrating my birthday at the above-mentioned art museum. She didn’t have much time in her weekend schedule, but went to the trouble to get train tickets, which I greatly a...
I picked up this habit in college when I was taking multiple classes and sometimes a miracle would happen when something I was reading in one class sparked off something I was reading in another class and that’s how I came to write a whole essay on one paragraph of William Faulkner’s ...
If you haven’t been reading these posts in order, I’ll mention here that getting to visit the Badlands once again was one of the main reasons I decided to go on this trip…..it turned out that there was WAY more than just the Badlands that made the trip amazing and we did a TON...
Super helpful if you need to quickly copy/pasta that path for a coworker https://www.tutorialspoint.com/vim/vim_registers.htm andrewvogel April 20, 2022 #vim permalink raw 8 Get the Current FileType in NVIM If you've ever needed to debug a plugin, this might come in handy to get the...
I have a friend who once told me his family wants to abolish Iowa because of how dull the drive is. I usually scowl at him or roll my eyes, but the next time he points it out I will probably agree. As I drove past the harvested fields, I kept wondering if this drive was me ...
Where once we sat in glory as the world moved for us, now we’ve been shifted back, into wings, the far north to ripen off and age and pass, our jobs here done. The shine is off the penny, and time, it marches for no one but itself. One day it was suddenly all about places...
40 things I have quit buying in order to save money and simplify my life. I do not buy a ton of things I once did and I have saved so much money as a result!
(mine). Fumbling initial attempt to access what M called a mainframe and, once in, copy M’s program, tweak, save under my name, day’s assignment complete before I slid into my seat for roll call. We snuck glances at each other, suddenly shy, smiled. Bonded by this audacious act, ...
Once again, I digress. As entertaining as Rolfers andESTholescould be (for EST, read: annoying over entertaining), after my first encounter with a L. Ron Hubbardpatsydevotee, shaming and/or battling Scientologist recruiters was, for a brief but glorious time, my forte. ...