It took my brother until he was 35, but he finally found a stable career that he loves. I guess he was just a late bloomer. 我哥哥直到35岁才找到一份稳定的并且自己所钟爱的工作。我想他只是大器晚成罢了。 ② It's too...
然而,I’m late在这里可不再是“我迟到了”的意思,而是表示“我怀孕了”,会错意真的超尴尬...可以这样理解,这里的late是表示女性的生理期迟到了,生理期没有如期到,所以I’m late就可以引申出“我怀孕了”这个意思。一、“怀孕”的英文表达方式其实,在英文中,关于“怀孕”的表达非常多,这里列举以下几个以供...
哈里特·斯托是六个孩子的母亲,她在做饭的时候写了《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的部分内容。You’re too old?你太老了吗?34、Remember that Thomas Costain was 57 when he published his first novel, and that Grandma Moses showed her first pictures when she was 78.还记得托马斯•科斯坦(Thomas Costain)在57岁...
【题目】 T his story began when I was a child.I was born in 46. Often w e hadn't eno ugh to eat. When nerer w e h a d som e food, M other often giv e m e her portion. Whil e sh e w as putting her ric e into my bowl, sh e woul d s ay, "Eat this rice, so...
根据上文“Before I was born, my mom had worked as a nurse.”可知,作者的妈妈是一名护士,而护士所照顾的大多都是不认识的陌生人。故选D。 (20)题详解: 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她经常在陌生人生命中最黑暗的时候照顾、服务和关爱他们。A. darkest最黑暗;B. gladdest最开心;C. quickest最快;D...
②It's too late for sorry. 在我们日常生活中,常常会出现这种情况,即“(道歉晚了)对所造成的伤害或不利局面于事无补”,这时候我们就可以说It's too late for sorry,也可以理解为“再怎么道歉也没用了。” A:"Look,I'msorryforwhatIdid.Ididn'tthinkitwouldcauseanyharm!" ...
Dad quit drinking exactly one year before I was born.He joined a group of other people.He said they __【1】__(stop) drinking,too.I loved my dad __【2】_ I hated the way his weekly meetings took him away from me.It seemed that they were more important to him than I was.But wi...
Dad quit drinking exactly one year before I was born. He joined a group of other people. He said they __【1】__(stop) drinking,too. I loved my dad __【2】_ I hated the way his weekly meetings took him away from me. It seemed that they were more important to him than I was....
She had to stay up late studying. She had to spend all the weekends in her room reading instead of going out with her friends. I was too young to understand why she did that when I was little. Now that I am older, I realize that she did all those things because she wanted a ...
Beethoven was born over 250 years ago, yet his music is still played daily around the world. Beethoven wrote many famous pieces of music, especially his nine symphonies. When Beethoven died in 1827, he had some ideas for a 10thSymphony. But all that he left b2.were some notes about the...