13 “But this is what you concealed in your heart, and I know that this was in your mind:14 If I sinned, you would be watching me and would not let my offense go unpunished.15 If I am guilty—woe to me! Even if I am innocent, I cannot lift my head,for I am full of shame...
Five years ago, we were deep in a struggle… and it was a very dark and scary time. As a mother, one of your most basic instincts is to feed your child. So when she can’t or won’t eat it is devastating and overwhelming. Dealing with an eating disorder is truly fighting “a mo...
Job: I Loathe My Life - “I loathe my life; I will give free utterance to my complaint; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul. I will say to God,
Empathy is a word that’s been sitting persistently on my mind the last while. It came to me in a new way a couple months ago, and ever since, I haven’t really ever forgotten it. You may be confused why empathy would be a new idea to me, and the answer is, it’s definitely ...
At times it’s hard to believe that to be true, when the years pass and the prayers seem unanswered. However, today My husband and I can both see how important those years of silence where. It was in those years of silence- me on my knees crying out to God to move us, that He ...
knitting which I was learning, and in which she saw the A little—'t is a little word, Blit much may in it dwell; Then let a warning voice be heard, And learn the lesson well; The noblest undertakings Man's wisdom hath conceived, By oft-repeated effort Have been patiently achieved. ...
I do a lot of things in the world, but the core essence of who I am is a writer. I was reminded of the Scripture, “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands.” (Psalm 143) It’s important to remember to reclaim ...
“Put it on, Mishka.” That’s his diminutive for me. The project shrinks would have had a field day if they had uncovered our little name game before we departed Earth. Sergei’s grandfather was Mikhail, Mishka to his only grandson. I’m A.I., a level six, assigned toEinsteinas co...
Li Sin shivers, even though Vector keeps its internal temperature regulated to their comfort. “Can you reopen the transmission?” No. She isn’t responding. Vector was once a warship, but Vector, like Li Sin, is no longer itself. Li Sin has no weapons. They have no army, no allies,...
by Kate Elliott It might have been the dog, or it might have been the woman. He wasn’t sure. When he had prowled into the garden from the enclosed parkland beyond, the little pug dog had been yapping in a skull-rattling fashion. His first instinct was to shut it up. He’d also...