What a beautiful duwang ✨ᴴᴰ https://youtu.be/DdtWK2Da698 主唱戴伦·海斯和吉他手兼键盘手丹尼尔·琼♦原标题:Savage Garden - I Want You (Australian version) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Want_You_(Savage_Garden_song) Savage Garden I Want You. Original Australian video 展开更多...
分享1522 greenday吧 1108357X 【歌词】 新专辑 所有歌词 无翻译版21st CENTURY BREAKDOWN Born into Nixon I was raised in hell A welfare child where the teamsters dwelled The last one born, the first one 分享13赞 darren吧 Darren_Fans 【分享】Darren 歌词全记录Savage Garden: 1.To The Moon & Bac...
《Off The Wall》 分享471赞 jaymay吧 elfears 【歌词】Autumn Fallin'全碟歌词赏一楼BAIDU 分享19赞 darren吧 Darren_Fans 【分享】Darren 歌词全记录Savage Garden: 1.To The Moon & Back She's taking her time making up the reasons To justify all the hurt inside Guess she knows fro 分享175赞 ...
Because you’re not allowed to assign a value to an infinite sum unless it converges; if you throw away that rule, you can end up with an easy proof that 0 = 1, and therefore 1 = 2 and in fact any number equals any other number. Here’s how: First, the infinite sum 0 + 0 +...
I was guilty of none of the above. This is the meme I posted that resulted in my virtual incarceration. I see nothing offensive, do you? I just thinks it's funny! I've actually seen others post the very same meme with no repercussions....
#fyi #SavageU http://twitter.com/DeirdreS/statuses/196040632429592577 2012-04-28 23:50:57So many tweet what you’re seeing on TV. I guess it’s a way of doing things together virtually, but it sorta makes me sad. Go DO something! http://twitter.com/DeirdreS/statuses/196386049239425024...
on the internet use the “Let's get this bread” meme ironically (usually it is slang for earning money) to make fun of people or themselves fortrying too hardto earn money. In 2018 the meme exploded into everything from mockeries of the gluten-intolerant to references to Olive Garden. ...
Jul 2010 TEDGlobal 2010 Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks 19:33Jul 2010 TEDGlobal 2010 Elif Shafak: The politics of fiction 19:45Jul 2010 TEDGlobal 2010 Ethan Zuckerman: Listening to global voices 19:45Jul 2010 TEDGlobal 2010 Matt Ridley: When ideas have sex 16:26Jul 2010 ...
(the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) initiated listing the Fertile Crescent, thought by some to be the location of the Biblical ‘Garden of Eden,’ as a World Heritage Site. You may also want to look for 《爱在西元前——美索篇》,a fun on-line text as a...
(the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) initiated listing the Fertile Crescent, thought by some to be the location of the Biblical ‘Garden of Eden,’ as a World Heritage Site. You may also want to look for 《爱在西元前——美索篇》,a fun on-line text as a...