our principal, doctor/lawyer Bradley I. Kramer, M.D., Esq. a medical malpractice attorney, has proven repeatedly, both inside and outside the courtroom, that he has the intellect and dedication to make insurance companies to pay more than they ever want to pay to his clients for their inj...
2. You Were Responsible for the Injury Defendants will frequently try to blame you for causing the accident and any resulting injuries or property damage. However, a good California personal injury lawyer will conduct their own investigation to uncover the facts that prove that the defendant’s ...
Then I would call my lawyer and sue them. You are way too nice! This is one of the scariest medical stories I've ever read Reply Angie says: March 3, 2018 at 6:53 am This is raising all sorts of red flags for malpractice. I would at minimum file a complaint with the medical ...
An Analysis of the 15 Largest Medical Malpractice Insurers 2006 Financial Statements" issued by the American Association for Justice (AAJ) which maintains that the medical malpractice insurance industry has been price-gouging...
If your insurance company does not want to pay the cost of your medical bills up to the amount for which you were covered, you may have a provable case in court. If your injuries exceeded the amount of money for which you were covered, and the accident is not your fault, you may be...
Today, 6th April 2009, is my birthday. Not a very long post as I am still in India and travelling all over. I want to blog more often, as soon as possible. But time doesn’t permit. As soon as I arrive in the US, I shall commence blogging and replying to subscribed feedreader’...
But even if I had completed the medical questionnaire correctly he would have made me get cleared for surgery anyway. It’s a malpractice thing. Lawyers ruin everything, right? I mean, until you need a lawyer to sue someone because they said you have a tiny wiener on Snapchat and though...
This clumsy fucking retard was clearly not paying attention, slipped and fell, and doesn’t want to take responsibility for it. Fuck this guy, and his argument.” Union Pacific agrees that it doesn’t have to be moving to be in use—it could be stopped for something on the tracks, or...
It can be searched I suppose for money by anyone but if they are in the field it is free to them. Plus the fact that he brought it up makes me think that he is from them and you are considered to be a whistle blower. As such you may need legal protection… you may want to ...
OK, maybe I used a translating website for that. You don’t really think I write Latin, do you? I suppose, for future reference, we can just call it the GSIAH defense. Or VSIAH if you like the pseudo-Latin that came out of the translator and you want to wow your friends with ...