Just finished this and want to talk to you all about it. Get your thoughts together and meet me in the comments. 別誤會這本書的標題,它其實是個苦瓜。可是,苦瓜也是健康的。 I’m glad I read it. No book should be made The Definitive Story Of An Entire Race like this was made out to...
Negativeattitudesbringaboutnegativeresultsandpositiveattitudescanbringpositivechanges.Forthose whowanttodevelopapositiveattitudetowardslife,herearesomesimplesteps. Stopcomplaining.36Wearabracelet(手镯)orarubberbandaroundonewrist.Wheneveryoufind yourselfcomplaining,switchthebracelettotheotherwrist.Yourgoalshouldbetohavethe...
and didn’t want to risk dropping an atomic bomb and missing. While they circled a few times, waiting for the weather to change, they realized they were running low on fuel and eventually decided
However, what my children want to do after school is pick up a screen — any screen — and stare at it for hours. They are not alone. Today’s children spend an average of four and a half hours a day looking at screens, split between watching television and using the Internet. In...
And now, all this is going to disappear underwater and we are forced to relocate to a place where we don’t want to be.” 10 “And for what? Electricity, they say.” Bey shook his head in disbelief. “We have electricity!” he shouted. As if to prove his point, he hit a ...
Years ago I went to teach in an urban school in order to join black people in their quest for equality. I was naïve, unaware of my ignorance, and totally conscious of race. What I learned was to question: why always in black and white? Please look for
This American Life:Ten Things I Don’t Want To Hate About You.From the intro: TALhost Ira Glass: I think we all have people in our lives who we love, but there’s no talking to them. They have their way of seeing things or doing things, and it’s hard to take. And no matter...
To me, believing what I want to be true can be very comforting (like my unshakable belief that Jessica Alba wants all my babies), but that doesn’t make it true. I find more comfort in what I know to be true. For the things I don’t know, I prefer saying just that — I don’...
2. Directions: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). American cities are similar to other cities around the world. In every country, cities reflect the values of the culture. Cities contain the very best aspects of a society: ...
and asking if I want to park there. Me saying yes I do… and then him explaining that they are just there to get a xmas tree and his wife is going to stay in the car and me saying, well, okie dokes, but could she park so that she takes up only one spot and I can use the...