Shubbing things in your ears♥ Sweet talk 02:15:16 【HalO】♥Get scared by coziness♥ Succubae 02:33:37 【HalO】Sheepy's 1st Year Anniversary ASMR Celebration 🎉 02:05:39 【HalO】♥This is your home now♥ 02:45:50 【HalO】♥NNN Day1♥ NO NUT NOVEMBER TOGETHER 02...
i ve tried my best to id do anything - oliv ill be seeing you ill have a piano less ill make it real im cheffcuisine im left youre right s iamtibetan ibelieveinthefairysto ibelieveweplaceourhap icanbetrustednowiswea iclosedmyeyestoyou icould stay last in t idontwannawastemytime i...
iholduthroughthenight iknowdutyisbig iknowwewere imay appeartobefree imissyouand inearlydiedinadoratio iplay it offbut im dr isearchformymemory iseeitallgodown ishouldlearntolookata ithoughtmaybeyoudidto iwannalistentomyownhe iwaswaitingforsolong iwillnevermakeyoucryc iwishwecouldstayforev ill ...
I wanna be with you.我想和你在一起。 Let me be with you . 让我和你在一起吧。 I want to own you. 我想拥有你。 I 'm falling in love with you.我爱上你了。 2. I'm really nutsy about you. 我对你很着迷。 nutsy是nut的形容词,nut在美语中有“狂热的人,入迷的人”的意思,比如a mo...
66I Love You《我爱你》 67Doing Nothing 《无所事事的小青蛙》 68Mother Sea Turtle《海龟妈妈》 69Mom and Kayla《妈妈和凯拉》 70Llama Llama Misses Mama《拉玛想妈妈》 71Dinosaur Roar《恐龙在咆哮》 72The Crow And The Jug《乌鸦喝水》
In the neon nashville not I'm no quitter Nibble and nacho sipping sweet liquor Neighbors nod as I strum my strings Navigating notes like a natural king Near the nut half my hoax linger Noticed a shadow it's a gold digging figure Notorious notions nudge me to pull the trigger But I stand...
I need you baby, whoo, I'd rather fuck you, I'd rather fuck with you. I'd rather fuck with you, cause the other bitches wanna wine and dine (fuck all that). I better hurry up and bust a nut, cause it's check-out time. ...
Hop on top, I wanna ride/I do a kegel while it's inside/Spit in my mouth, look in my eyes/This p***y is wet, come take a dive/Tie me up like I'm surprised/Let's roleplay, I'll wear a disguise/I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage"—Cardi...
As long as we good den ** all the haters 4l 4l 4l ya can be my girl And you know that we get along well I'm emotional please don't tell Wanna see man outta ya life But I'm cumin in ya dreams as well I can take this l focus on ma self But how am I gonna...