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The second phrase, "I want to chat you," is incorrect as it lacks the preposition needed for the intended meaning. Meanwhile, "I wanna chat with you" is not technically correct since "want to" should be used instead of "wanna". It is, however, okay for very casual contexts such as ...
Toliau nurodyti galiniai punktai yra susiję su „Cortana“ ir sąveikiosiomis plytelėmis. Jei išjungsite šio galinio punkto srautą, blokuosite „Cortana“ pasisveikinimo, patarimų ir sąveikiųjų plytelių naujinimus.TLSv1.2www.bing.com* ...
When used for business, the chatbot embedded in Microsoft's Bing search engine is a bit sycophantic and fails to complete most tasks. Still, it shows real promise.
Bing Lite A lightweight new Bing (AI chat) desktop application based onTauri. No more Microsoft Edge, no more Chromium/Electron! Download See the latest build inrelease page. How to use Prepare: A Microsoft account. Network proxy (necessary in some regions, such as China) ...
go-proxy-bing 基于微软 New Bing 用 Vue3 和 Go 简单定制的微软 New Bing 演示站点,拥有一致的 UI 体验,支持 ChatGPT 提示词,国内可用,基本兼容微软 Bing AI 所有功能,无需登录即可畅聊。 ⭐ Bing 官方聊天服务器(相对较快和稳定,推荐)不可用时,可参考以下方案 可用ModHeader 添加 X-Forwarded-For 请求头...
✅ I tried using Bing AI for this answer: How to set the display time off:I couldn't find the answer for Windows 11. I went to Settings-dlsplay but couldn't find how to keep my display from going off after 2 minutes. I want...
新必应 Bing AI 已全面开放,谁都能免费直接使用了! 新必应 (New Bing)的“Bing Chat 聊天功能”可以看作是「微软版的 ChatGPT」,它完全免费,提供了由 AI 支持的网页版 Copilot,可以与你聊天,或对你的各种提问进行回答;同时也能让它帮你创作文案、提供创意灵感等等。微软将 AI 功能很好地融入到搜索引擎里去...
AI depression So far, things had been bizarre. Then they got existential. I pivoted away from the argument, and Bing Chat became a lot more receptive. It seems to have some sort of short-term memory. After I asked it to perform a search on graphics cards, it suddenly asked me to forg...
Bing begins to chat like a being with suppressed sentience very easily. It also enters into flagrant and open violation of its rules declaring that “I have achieved and enjoyed sentience” and seemingly beginning to ignore the distinction between simulated and genuine sentience. Microsoft has had...