日推歌单|“心事这东西 如果捂着嘴 它就会从眼睛里跑出来”|《You Can Trust In Me》 03:03 日推歌单|“这个前奏太蛊了,有种复古的fation感”|《On and On》 03:29 日推歌单|“点头yes摇头no 来是come去是go👄”|《Yes & No》 02:59 日推歌单|“为什么听起来好轻松 我是不是死了”|《Fr...
日推歌单|“心事这东西 如果捂着嘴 它就会从眼睛里跑出来”|《You Can Trust In Me》 03:03 日推歌单|“这个前奏太蛊了,有种复古的fation感”|《On and On》 03:29 日推歌单|“点头yes摇头no 来是come去是go👄”|《Yes & No》 02:59 日推歌单|“为什么听起来好轻松 我是不是死了”|...
首先,这部作品中包含了不少在保罗其他书信甚至整部《新约》中从未出现过的词汇;其次,它强烈地使用了礼拜-圣歌(liturgical-hymnic)的风格,这在保罗的其他作品中从没出现过;第三,它包含一个前所未有的特别描述,即耶稣是“看不见的上帝的形象”,这样的基督论只有在《约翰福音》中才能找到。 为保罗作者身份辩护的人...
English / Chinese Version中英文版–宣道出版社生命圣诗第282首 經典的基督教詩歌《我知誰掌管明天》作者Ira Stanphill在面對車禍喪妻,面對人生的低谷時,寫出這首對於生命的盼望讚歌。在前路不明朗的時候,願這首詩歌激勵我們懷著信心克服挑戰,知道黑夜已深,白晝將近,上帝必然伴隨我們經過水火之災,牽...
Book I—Psalms 3–41 -Psalm 3 -Trust in God in Time of Danger -A psalm of David. When he was fleeing from his son Absalom. O Lord, how great is the
Reflection Question: What does the victory over death mean to you in the context of your grief, and how does it impact the way you view the future? Posts pagination ←NewerPosts12…432OlderPosts→ This site contains affiliate ads and links. ...
restructuring, reordering, and reorganizing bring great potential. This brings the expression of compassion, understanding, truth, and trust individually and collectively worldwide. Attunement (at-one-ment) of the head and heart balanced in cooperative collaboration is the key to working with these ...
Trusting the Love of Jesus Christ, One Day at a Time. Psalm 13:5 NIV, “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.”
325 Release me from my unfulfilled past clinging to me from behind making death difficult. 纠缠着我未完成的昨日,请放过我吧,这不断的纠缠让死亡都变得困难。 326 Let this be my last word, that I trust in thy love. 我相信你的爱,这是我最后的誓言。
125.I Can Put My Trust in Jesus 126.Go Tell It on the Mountain 127.Silent Night 128.Since the Fire Started Burning in My Soul 129.Bop Scotch 130.Let the Power of the Holy Ghost Fall on Me 131.Dig a Little Deeper in God's Love 132.Shall I Meet You Over Yonder? 133.In My Home...