That is how I found myself on the road with four kids,a baby lamb and nothing but my everlasting optimism to see me through.We took the country roads out of necessity.We had to stop every hour,let Banner shke out his legs and feed him.The kids chased him and one another.They'd ge...
public override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync() { // Check if the operation ID matches what is specified in the OpenAPI definition of the connector if (this.Context.OperationId == "RegexIsMatch") { return await this.HandleRegexIsMatchOperation().ConfigureAwait(false); } // Handle...
I took off my sock mittens and looked at my watch. It was 5.55 a.m. I looked at the receding ferry and wondered where anybody would be going at that hour. Where would I go at that hour? I picked up my backpack and shuffled off down the prom, to get some circulation going. Near...
And receiving correspondence that blew me plover for all the wrong reasons took a toll. And when I spent time with purported matches other than myself, all I ever came away with was the sense that we were totally destined to meet. So that I could blog about them later as a lark. I ...
The same occurred with great COVID-19 pandemic: we all took great steps to deal with it, like a car swerving around a big pothole before regaining its place on the road. Perhaps that will be the case with climate change. Or perhaps the world is different now, the way it was different...
Well, one can say that there are always new stuff in the Internet—new trend, new meme, new films, and new books. Everything becomes old in the Internet so fast. Along with these new things, my favourite chat box has started launching new updates. Wait—what is my favourite chat box?
I took the hard road. I kept the door open, but I allowed my heart to release the idea of “us”. So, when Josh all of sudden decided he was willing to get married and have a family, I did not believe him. I let him talk, but I never encouraged that idea. My thought was th...
defiant and trembling with anticipation for the chase he knew was to come. The slider was locked – there was a wall of double paned glass between me and the boy. Our eyes locked; he knew he had the upper hand. If I took my eyes off him he would certainly bolt again but my odds ...
@Lexiesmemerewrote: Have you tried updating both your QB and Payroll? I chatted with QB person and that person took payment and processed it for updating. Still does not work. JonpriL Moderator August 28, 202002:25 PM I wish I could make it be...
so i took cover in our house. while i'd been mesmerized by the patterns of anima'L flight, a bunch of anima'L took over our house... most of them left obligingly when asked, but i had a soft spot for CAMEL & let it stay. must have been the STARLING along the Tiber which i'...