How can I make colonoscopy prep a little easier? ABC News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton answers your health questions and shares her daily prescription for wellness. August 25, 2023 Additional Live Streams Additional Live Streams ...
Curtis picked us up a few hours later. On the drive home, we stopped at the river so he could run a quick errand—reel in the rotting bear skull he’d dropped in at the beginning of the week. He forgot a bucket but fortunately we had a reusable grocery bag in the van, so he st...
Yet again, I threw myself back into denial, and just avoided thinking about what this strange slimmy mucus stuff was. I had no idea why it was attached to almost every crap that landed in the toilet bowel, and I really was worried that something was wrong inside of me. What is Mucus?
mortality and severity of peritonitis. This effect was associated with significant improvements of wound histological healing scores, higher production of IL22, but no changes in the mucus layer thickness or genes involved in cell renewal, proliferation, or differentiation. All these effects were ...
New colonoscopy prepping guidelines released. Multi-society recommendations raise performance measures.Herrin Publishing Partners
The article discusses that patients need to be educated about good bowel habits to ensure adequate elimination in bowel prep before colonoscopy, and includes comments from Annette Bisanz, a clinical nurse specialis...