Yesterday, I was messaged by Mark's wife. She told me Mark cheated on her with my wife. She sent me 3 videos, told me she found these on Mark's phone. On the first video, my wife and the other coworkers are in some living room area, and Mark is talking to my...
100. ‘Little Drummer Boy.’ My hatred for this song iswell-documented. I think it is because the song takes approximately 18 years to sing and does not rhyme. The concept of the song is bad. The execution of the song is bad. There is not even an actual drum in the dang song, th...
Moiselfwears her big girl pants most days; I understand that even though organizations are not people[5]they *are* composed of people – human beings who are flawed and make mistakes. Still, I cringe to think that one of my favorite organizations – one that gets a weekly shout-out from...
Turning soil, pulling weeds, and harvesting cabbage sound like tough work for middle and high school kids. And at first it is, says Abby Jaramillo, who with another teacher started Urban Sprouts, a school garden program at four ...
In his right boot is a big knife, pushed far enough in that only the handle and the base of the blade poke out. A knife! I would normally be alert to this 38 stranger now sitting in the back of my vehicle. However, ...
My name is Bernie Michalik. Thanks for visiting! Search for: Random Post If you want to go to a random post on the blog, click here. It's all good. :) Email Subscription Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email ...
on days when I might be bloated or not feeling my best. So, it couldn't be too tight and had to have some stretch. I wanted to wear something I felt confident in. It also needed to look good every day. I decided NOT to go all black because I didn't think all blackwas all tha...
ARM MYSELF WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF MY SURROUNDINGS, PARTICULARLY – AND ESPECIALLY – WHEN IT INVOLVES GIGANTIC, MOVING MASSES OF METAL THAT CAN CRUSH OR HARM ME. I’m an adult, for chrissake. You think I just walk wherever the fuck I want without reaping the consequences? I look where I...
Every time Felix mentions mayo, I think of that stripper. This is why I can’t be the heroine. A cheating wife is one of the deal breakers. I also can’t afford to have another memory blackout . Once in my life was enough. Bad things always happen during blackouts. ...
May you never think your time is so important that you must smash through a railroad crossing guardrail; May you have no culinary loathing equivalent toSatan’s assholes; May someone ask you *your* best question; …and may the hijinks ensue. ...