him, as he gazed through the chapel gratings, that those long-distant episodes of the divine tragedy had been here preserved in some miraculous state of suspended animation, and as he climbed from one shrine to another he had the sense of treading the actual stones of Gethsemane and Calvary....
Based on Pieter Bruegel's painting "The Way to Calvary," from 1564, the movie patiently and delicately outlines many of the themes in the painting, even though the film itself can be somewhat drifting and opaque. It's quite unlike the anchored, physical quality of a painting; it's ...
THE MARTYRS Through the straight pass of suffering The martyrs even trod, Their feet upon temptation, Their faces upon God. A stately, shriven company; Convulsion playing round, Harmless as streaks of meteor Upon a planet's bound. Their faith the everlasting troth; Their expectation fair; The ...
I did not think much about it at the time but was hopeful for a positive response. Importantly, as I consider myself to be led by the Holy Spirit in all things, I returned home for the sorting through of other options. About three days later as I lay in bed, I heard a voice say...
Psalm 22:8 They sneer in mockery and toss their heads: words and gestures of scorn, also indulged in by Christ’s foes on Calvary (see Mt 27:39; Mk 15:29). See also note on Ps 5:10. Psalm 22:9 Cited in Mt 27:43. If he loves him: may be taken as “if God loves the suf...
Actually, both the miserable parties, who are desperately wanting, are controlled by surveillance capitalism of their own for vested interests. I appeal to all US citizens to die to their self-interest, “deny themselves,” and uphold the interests of the world-at-large, and do God’s will...
If you are waiting for the harvest to mature before you enter the field of God’s work you are already missing the boat. Jesus never said, to cultivate the fields and then wait patiently for the harvest. No! Jesus was emphatic when He declared, ...
His all redeeming love, His precious blood, to plead:His blood atoned for all our race,His blood atoned for all our race,And sprinkles now the throne of grace. Five bleeding wounds He bears; received on Calvary;They pour effectual prayers; they strongly plead for me:“Forgive him, O ...
Women Helping Women. Life is beautiful, but it can be filled with seasons. Why do them alone? God never intended us to do life alone. A community of women to support one other, nuggets of truth, helps for areas in life and recipes to enjoy. Pastor's w
The Lord has provided a solution to our problem in sending His Son to pay the price for our sins and offered “Newness of Life” to whosoever comes to Him in faith believing in His work at Calvary. Once we have done that we are born of the Spirit and the Holy Spirit comes to dwell...