Define I. I synonyms, I pronunciation, I translation, English dictionary definition of I. pron. Used to refer to oneself as speaker or writer. n. pl. I's The self; the ego. Usage Note: Traditional grammar requires the nominative form of the...
Furthermore, using synonyms for "I" can be an effective way to vary the language used in writing. For example, instead of writing "I believe", one could write "In my opinion". This method adds variety and sophistication to the writing, making it more engaging for the reader. In conclusi...
I'm looking for synonyms of "according to" / "stated by" to avoid repetition as much as possible when writing English essays. 查看翻译 AI_monga 2023年7月16日 sûr! Voici quelques synonymes de "according to" / "stated by" que vous pouvez utiliser pour éviter les répétitions dans vos...
include collect recru include debug informa include rule includesee synonyms a includes a ladder includes any individu includes body includes everythellon includes foul lang includes historical u includes property including a general a including a tank including achievement including against ac including ...
your essay is just as important as the content. Use precise and varied language to express your ideas clearly and effectively. Avoid using overly complex sentences or jargon that can confuse the reader. Use synonyms and a range of vocabulary to avoid repetition and add depth to your writing. ...
and in a formal style of speaking or writing.Accordingly(in conformity with the preceding) andconsequently(as a result, or sequence, or effect of the preceding), although also somewhat formal, occur mainly in less technical contexts. So (because the preceding is true or this being the case)...
Define Iroqois. Iroqois synonyms, Iroqois pronunciation, Iroqois translation, English dictionary definition of Iroqois. n. pl. Iroquois 1. A member of a Native American confederacy, known as the Iroquois League or the Iroquois Confederacy, inhabiting New
Synonyms of indite transitive verb 1 a : make up, compose indite a poem b : to give literary or formal expression to c : to put down in writing indite a message 2 obsolete : dictate inditer noun Did you know? Indite looks like a misspelling of its homophone indict, meaning...
Synonyms capsulate capsule capsulise Related Words enclose enfold envelop enwrap wrap verbput in a short or concise form Synonyms capsule capsulise encapsulate Related Words condense concentrate digest Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
As you can see, i.e. and e.g. slot right into the sentence just as their full Latin or English synonyms would. Do note that there are likelysomestyle guides out there that will recommend using no comma after these abbreviations—but including the comma is nearly universal and is thus th...