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Adobe® AIR® API Reference for HTML Developers Home|Show Classes List|Index|Appendixes Language Reference only
IAliasSymbol - Interface in com.sapportals.connector.execution.objects.language This interface marks SQL operation symbols that are a part of the SELECT clause of a query. IApplication - Interface in com.sapportals.portal.prt.deployment.descriptor The Deployment Descriptor IApplicationDeploymentEvent -...
textidote --output html example.tex > report.html Here, the--output htmloption tells TeXtidote to produce a report in HTML format; the>symbol indicates that the output should be saved to a file, whose name isreport.html. TeXtidote will run for some time, and print: ...
Additionally any property or method in the chrome.webview.hostObjects.options.forceLocalProperties array are also run locally. This defaults to including optional methods that have meaning in JavaScript like toJSON and Symbol.toPrimitive. Add more to the array as required....
6 - 10: Not supported 11: Not supported Edge 12 - 100: Supported 101: Supported Firefox 2 - 35: Not supported 36 - 99: Supported 100: Supported 101 - 102: Supported Chrome 4 - 37: Not supported 38 - 100: Supported 101: Supported ...
Additionally any property or method in the chrome.webview.hostObjects.options.forceLocalProperties array are also run locally. This defaults to including optional methods that have meaning in JavaScript like toJSON and Symbol.toPrimitive. Add more to the array as required....
"polygon,polyline,rect,switch,symbol,text,textpath,tspan,use,view", true ); varisReservedTag =function(tag) { returnisHTMLTag(tag) ||isSVG(tag); }; // 区分大小写 varisBuiltInTag =makeMap("slot,component",true);