stupidboy2979 / iScript StYiwe / iScript suchunchen / iScript suiyelian / iScript sumonsun / iScript sunbuny / iScript FangYuan-21 / iScript sunkejava / iScript sunsheng / iScript suntrian / iScript sunyifei83 / iScript suoba / iScript ...
Like • Click-to-Edit-is-Stupid-UX likes this Steven Hayhurst January 10, 2025 This is all great, thanks to everyone who put this solution together. I hope its ok, but I've forked that gist and made some changes, available here
We’ll use something stupid easy, like ROT13. (Note, don’t ever use ROT13 as an encryption format). Let’s start by creating a blank class. class ROT13(object): pass Now at this point, believe it or not, you’re ready to write your first test. Why would you write a test ...
"dropdownMenuOffset":"2px","dropdownDividerMarginTop":"10px","dropdownDividerMarginBottom":"10px","dropdownBorderColor":"hsla(var(--lia-bs-black-h), var(--lia-bs-black-s), var(--lia-bs-black-l), 0.08)","controllerBgHoverColor":"hsla(var(--lia-...
Call it a stupid implementation but I set up interaction to be versatile enough that each building would default to execute a certain code depending on whether I set it to be ‘Production’ or ‘Consumption’, so there was no way to merge the code as buildings were either one or the othe...
It should be noted that low information voters are not uneducated or stupid. A single issue voter may be highly educated and decide that only candidates that support better healthcare. An intelligent voter may vote against a candidate because of a major scandal, even if they voted for the can...
UPD: After years of pondering on this topic, I've come to the conclusion that this suggestion is in fact, a stupid one. → Reply blitztage 3 years ago, # ^ | +17 300 gap is too huge → Reply aryanc403 3 years ago, # ^ | ← Rev. 2 -10 Just remove IM and add ...
I've analyzed headers and code at both ends over and over and thought it might be the cookie domain/path/expiry/httponly/secure/samesite, mismatched domains, certificate problems, server settings, etc, etc, etc, but no, it's one stupid checkbox. At least I can carry on and don'...