i sit on top of you s i slowly detection i slowly say i smell a rat i smell flowers i smile yes i smiled a polite i soon obtain well i sorry you i span round i spat out i speak dhinese i spy a little fly i spya picture riddle i squashed him i stall before answer i stand ...
i smell sex and candy i smiled at landen i sometimes collected i soon got accustomed i soon learned thats i spent three years i i stack chips for a r i stand i stand here i stand there soakcd i started to wonder i stepped back inside i still believe ep i still cant call bac i...
At first sight, it looks like the Chinese black rice cake — lightly browned with an oil slick. The first bite also gives the impression of eating rice cake. Unfortunately, an unexpected meat smell appeared immediately, as an after-taste. I glanced around. The cook was just outside the ...
My dad’s work attire consisted of boots, jeans, t-shirt and a hat, no cologne (unless you count the diesel fuel smell that foiled my mother for decades). My husband is a daily-necktie kinda guy – and while he also doesn’t wear cologne – he does gel his hair. My dad is footb...
Did I Ever Tell You That You Smell Like Love? Pin It Don’t Go I Love You!!! Pin It Good Morning I Love You Pin It Hey You Pin It I Just Want You Pin It I Just Want You To Know Pin It I Love You Always & Forever
“Le bruit et l’odeur” refers to a speech given in 1991 by Jacques Chirac, the Mayor of Paris who later became French president; it translates as “noise and smell.” Thu Jul 20 In stagecraft, a spike is a marking, usually made with a piece of tape (although some theatres use pain...
if my finger pokes through the toilet paper when wiping i always smell it Gaybros Confession Bear
Dave’s piece also covers some of my favorite things it got wrong, from the promise of PUSH technology (companies HATED Pointcast for flooding their networks and soon worked to shut that it down) to digitally encoded smell (right?? yeah, no) to a cover on how Second Life was the future...
Based in London, just 70 miles – or one of my favourite train journeys – away, I can practically smell him (old spice and shoe leather is my best guess but I’m happy to debate this with whomever has their own views on this point). ...
Zheng saw clumps of ice floating in the rapids and fields glittering with springtime frost; he heard the lively chatter of the peasant-women as they took their clothes to be washed, and smelled the good sharp smell of logs burning in a stove. When he peered closer he could even see, ...