Not only does nostalgia make people sound old, but the very idea of the “glory days” of anything as amorphous and fickle as punk is ludicrous: less a genre than an ideology, punk has always been more about breaking things and creating monsters out of the detritus than a particular sound...
can see it. The ride to your hotel is an adventure you last experienced in your childhood riding Disney World's The Haunted Mansion: loud, fast, startling, way too little light, and what the hell is that in the middle of the highway that we came within an inch of hitting? The ride...
This is not to say that I welcome the grotesque cynicism of Karl Rove or the pseudo-wonkery of Paul Ryan, but to say that you see political moves more analytically. Someone fucked you over? Well, are you going to need them tomorrow? Better stay on good terms. Rivals with someone?
like zombies watchingMonsters, Inc.Seriously zombies. Families and fat people. In the conference room were a bunch of old people that were having a surprise party for some old doctor guy that was turning 80. It was a huge party. We would sneak a peak in to the room and they had hired...