cold night of mumbled dreams in which I found myself being pursued over Arctic ice floes by a beady-eyed Frenchman with a catapult, a bag of bolts, and an uncanny aim, who thwacked me repeatedly in the buttocks and legs for stealing a linen napkin full of seepy food and leaving it ...
id like a refund on t id like to be a memem id like to make mysel id like to thank my p id love you to want m id really love to see id said before a thou id say pleaseplease id settle for the kin id take a flamethrowe id take uh one step f ill always be around ill ...
“Shuan Q” is a meme (网络流行语) which can be used as a popular way to say “I’m speechless” with a matching emoji (表情包) at ached behind. No one can deny the power of the Internet. Some believe it makes language weaker but some see a brighter side, believing it makes onli...
外研版八年级下册英语M4 习题课件Unit1 I haven’t done much 外研版八年级下 Module4Seeingthedoctor Unit1Ihaven’tdonemuchexercisesinceIgotmycomputer.1since 先练后背 提示:点击进入习题 答案呈现 6Howlonghave;this 2toothache 7caughtacold 3headache 8Take;times 4fever 9takeyourtemperature 5stomachache10...
21. — Would you like to see Nice View《奇迹笨小孩》with me, Anna? — You mean the moving film___is starred by Jackson Yee? A. who B. what C. which D. whose 22. -Thank you so much for watching the kids last night. -
i never thought raisi i never want to see y i not happen ago easy i noted i noticed that you ad i noticed that you ad i offer you power i often close my eyes i often reflect on th i oh i as if we could i once exclaimed i only has eyes for y i only have feelings i open ...
False! I love you more! And I love funny I love you memes from The Office the most! I wuv you! Oh my goodness, not in public Francis! Cute memes like this always make me smile! Come back here and let me love you!! By the way, i...
(animation test) 00:48 双A玩巴迪老师 10:25 Aphmau outro song (you'll be on my mind 03:09 Trouble MEME [Aphmau Animatic](Original meme) 00:31 Aphmau-can't sleep love (meme) 01:12 DEVOUR THE WORLD | Hole.ioMultiplayer 11:41 Aaron's Masterpiece | 14:30 Who Draws ...
“I was lucky there was no Twitter at the time.” “It took a while for [the line] to become what it became, but eventually yes, after that first year it came out it kinda became… I guess you would call it a ‘meme’ now. I was lucky there was no Twitter at the time ...
I always thought one of the main reasons people believed in heaven was their desire to see family and friends again. Maybe that’s not true. I’m also reminded of the sentiment, that as long as you remember a person, they will not die. I never met many of the folks in my family ...