名称:I SCREAM 类型:动作,独立 开发商:FunDi Games 发行商:FunDi Games 发行日期:即将推出 访问网站查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前所在的地区语言提供支持。在购买请先行确认目前所支持的语言。 即将推出 ...
IScream is an arcady driving game where you play as an ice cream truck driver who gets recruited by the Clowntown gang. Complete missions for the clown gang to defeat the other gangs, while the kids in the streets try to stop you by any means. ...
无声狂啸 I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream 9.2分 全部游戏文字 (7) 《无声狂啸》 《无声狂啸》 作者:哈兰•埃里森 在这个完全由计算机组成的房间里,葛里斯特的身体倒吊在粉红色的天花板上,无所依托。油腻腻的冷风一刻不停地吹过洞穴,“... 71 有用 二进制与灵魂——回看二十年前的《无声狂...
IScream is an arcady driving game where you play as an ice cream truck driver who gets recruited by the Clowntown gang. Complete missions for the clown gang to defeat the other gangs, while the kids in the streets try to stop you by any means.
Assume the roles of five different characters, each in a unique environment in I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream and try to escape the computer nightmare.
I scream we will bring it back We never lost faith in each other hands What it take for me to get there The thorn vine can't stop mine So Fate make gallant game all right There is no one We did it by our own hands The heart of gold will lead you ...
Game Objectives 1. 在快乐游戏中助力英语学习,激发学习热情。 2. 改善同学们正确的发音以及增加词汇量。 3. 提升听说能力和表达自信。 游戏内容 Game Content Level 1 1.How can a clam cram in a clean cream can? 2. I scream, you scream, we all scream...
10、Splat the Cat: I Scream for Ice Cream《我要冰淇淋》 Splat和同学们要去冰淇淋工厂进行校外考察。当汽车开动后,Splat怎样也不能安静地坐好。他想象着有堆成山的冰淇淋可以吃。抵达目的地后的他们发现山崩了……我们拭目以待Sp...
I SCREAM I See Red I See You I See Your Pain I Shall Remain I Still Live Under Your House I Swear This Hentai Game Was A Gift I Think I Wanna Have Your Baby I Think I'm in Love with a Demon Prince I told you I Told You So! I Walk Among Zombies Vol. 0 I Walk Among Zombi...