I, ROBOT (Film)Reviews the motion picture "I, Robot," starring Will Smith and directed by Alex Proyas.Ebiri, BilgeHill, Logannew york
After a robotics engineer (James Cromwell) leaps to his death from a skyscraper, Spooner is called in to investigate - and stumbles upon the frightening prospect that a robot may be the murder suspect. If you've seen the ads for this movie you know what is going to happen. It tries to...
Main Genre Action Writers Jeff Vintar , Akiva Goldsman , Isaac Asimov Tagline One man saw it coming Website http://www.irobotmovie.com/ Summary Will Smith stars as Detective Del Spooner in the high-tech thriller I, ROBOT, suggested by the book of short stories by visionary author Is...
I, RobotHighlights the film "I, Robot," starring Will Smith. Plot of the film; Cast of characters.Vanity Fair
movie made it easy. The characters were likable and the voicover really helped relate to the lead and the world she is finding herself in(kinda close to home but they made it sweet). So many wonderful moments, we loved the sceneries and I thought the director Justin Price did an amazing...
but they aren't very significant at all. Even the main robot, voiced nicely by Alan Tudyk, has more lines than probably all of these characters combined. So it almost all comes down to Big Willie Style and that chick from some recent spy movies (See: The Sum of All Fears, The Recruit...
and the other robot evolved (the Ghost in the Machine). Asimov's stories have always tried to put the three laws into tough spot, may be get a robot to break one of them, and go on to figure out a aha! explanation for what went wrong. this movie definitely belongs to that ...
Titoli salvati 4,4Robowar - Robot da guerra Titoli salvati Trama ModificaLo sapevi? Modifica Quiz While looking for locations in the Philippines, Ruggero asked his guides to take him to the same region where Francis Ford Coppola filmed Apocalypse Now (1979). Seeing that the place had bee...
Composer Marco Beltrami has been the go-to guy for the horror/suspense genre since Guillermo del Toro's Mimic in 1997, so it's no surprise that he sounds so comfortable on his first foray into sci-fi with Alex Proyas' I, Robot. Similar to his score for del Toro's Hellboy, Beltrami...
Having said that its still a tough watch and anybody not familiar with the original and not a fan of this genre will find its extended torture and intimidation scenes very difficult to stomach, but with a title like I Spit On Your Grave this movie will only attract a certain type of ...