00:00/00:00 [动画 Meme]Starboy _ animation meme _ old, I\x27ll do a remake of this shit loooool1 次元世界发布于:北京市2023.07.10 18:32 +1 首赞
Kobayashi like meh add your own caption 257shares Kobayashi like meh TAKES HIS V CARD AND SWALLOWS TOO add your own caption 147shares Kobayashi like meh Kobayashi high as fuck flying around the track and shit 146shares Kobayashi like meh
A lesson for all novice screen recorders, that shit will capture everything on your screen THUS THE NAME. Apparently he had his camera roll open and the last second of the video got a snag of what he’s got saved in there. The first piece was this meme that I’m sure someone made ...
I would not say it’s true that “the 1,000 true fans theory that we’ve all been sold for the past 15 years – that all you need is a strong mailing list of people who give a shit, and a healthy living will follow….Unfortunately, a theory is all it is.” Kelly states ...
Raunchy Lyrics:"When I lift my top lip, I could still smell you/When I swallow my spit, I could still taste you/Put that p***y in my face every time I face you/It go P-*-*-*-Y/Because it's the reason I am alive/Mama, I need it to stay alive/It's like I gotta eat ...
You will make a solemn oath to put that shit in your calendar. You will put that shit in your calendar and forget anyway. Your kids will say things so fucked up and disgusting relating to hygiene that you’ll wonder where, truly, you went wrong in their rearing. For example, you may...
Since the day I was to this school, I have owned a lot of memeries here.A.admittedB.receivedC.permittedD.allowed
This thing you’re feeling it’s not the same If you gonna put yourself out there For the entire world to stare Then you could find yourself in a meme Because no one likes a drama queen Bridge Oh no Everyone’s so mean He wouldn’t let me scream ...
each of which individually has to perform well,but then has to be matched well to everything it's connected to,"said Wood.The flight device was built into a set of power,computation,sensing and control systems.Wood says the success of the project proves that the flying robot with these ...
On January 29th, 2019, he stood in front of a camera and did precisely what he was supposed to do, and now he’s been convicted of a crime. Disorderly conduct –the state’s secret name for art. It is a travesty that in the supposedly democratic west, an artist could be put on ...