And on the THIRD day, Tay gave us an album cover, title and release date. And I was like WE HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL NOVEMBER FOR THIS SHIT?! Seriously. 1989 came out when I lived in Boston. THAT WAS A LIFETIME AGO. My 1989 review was the first blog I published. Don’t you guys fe...
Is It Propaganda Or Not? The Enemy of My Enemy Sibel Edmonds Explains The Erdogan Takedown Eliot Higgins: I have no idea who these guys are! Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say PropOrNot subreddit (serious posts only please, folks!) ...
On a particularly dark night in October last year, when I can only assume I was feeling a bit peaky and couldn’t be bothered to argue, Ben persuaded me to watch an episode of Downton Abbey. Ben is a Downton fan, and has been for some time. He has a ‘I heart Downton Abbey’ st...
MeMei_- 24-03-1 23:12 发布于 北京 来自 喵喵的iPhone 12 Pro(海蓝色) 今天大家都抱头痛哭 emo的一天 û收藏 转发 6 ñ2 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 微博原创视频博主 查看更多 a 531关注 1700粉丝 3322微博 微关系 她...
🔺I'M MEME 十色眼影盘🔺色号:SP01(大地色)、SP02(紫红盘)🔺这两盘前前后后都写了好几次功课了,真是对它的爱永无止境!问我为什么又拿出来显摆?那都是因为一枚女神照引起的骚动啊~这次我要认真脸写一篇功课~🔺SP01是以大地色为主,超级实用的盘子,是你日常生活和夜店浪一浪必备的色系!敢问有谁没有...
开始emo @MBTImemes #mbti meme##infj##isfj##infp##isfp# 38 36 ñ473 2021-12-25 11:11 来自iPhone 11 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 同时评论给 MBTImemes 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......