id say pleaseplease id settle for the kin id take a flamethrowe id take uh one step f ill always be around ill be a mountain ill be couragousif yo ill be in my bunk ill be lovin ulong ti ill be stooped tomorr ill be there your who ill be your everythel ill buy my love some...
id like to meet you t id like to sit in the id throw a party for ill always be with yo ill always know what ill always say ill be a friend to re ill be by your side ill be diving into yo ill be glad cause i w ill be glad cause i w ill be lovin u long t ill be mis...
Elsing's, when Fanny had been duly married and old Levi and the other musicians were tuning up for the dance, Scarlett looked about her with gladness.It was so exciting to be actually at a party again.She was pleased also with the warm reception she had received.When she entered the hou...
1.throw 是語句拋出一個異常,如throw new Exception();他不處理異常,直接拋出異常; 2.throws是表示方法拋出異常,需要呼叫者來處理,如果不想處理就一直向外拋,最後會有jvm來處理; 3.try catch 是自己來捕捉別人拋出的異常,然後在catch裡面去處理。
They make a big F’ing deal out of this whole case and promise the judge is going to throw the book at them and I called bullshit from the start. No one will EVER make an example of a rich and famous person. Felicity served a month, Lori will serve a week or two and that’ll ...
JUSTICE Oh please--if I had to listen to one more of those stupid songs, I was going to throw him out myself. SISSY We needed Brent, Justice! He was our patsy! JUSTICE We'll find someone else. Besides, I didn't see you trying to stop Jay from throwing him out. SISSY Because I...
_ . I saw childre n throw their leftover food into the large trash cans —from half - eaten pizzas to untouched burgers. I watched them pour their milk into a white bucket. In China, this was a huge no - no in school. We had to finish everyth ing. One day, my fir...
I throw that around now like a bottle of milk… our coffee table is really heavy and I just pick one end of it up [to vacuum underneath]… my wife won’t let me tie up the garbage bins with the bags [anymore], because when I tie them up now in a knot I tear the bag ...
the Embassy of Burma is just a stone's throw away from the hotel. Immerse yourself in the rich traditions and heritage of Burma as you admire the beautiful architecture and learn about the country's history. For fitness enthusiasts, California Wow is a popular fitness center located nearby, ...
Throw pretty much anything you want at it. vue-slick-carousel - A carousel with slick features & SSR support written for faster Luxstay @jfm/vue-carousel - A Vue carousel component. vue-snap - Lightweight Carousel based on Scroll Snap CSS vuerollr - Mouseover gallery plugin for Vue.js....