The streaming services are aware of these bouncing customers, and trying to minimize that behavior as much as possible. That’s why the “drop all the episodes at once” binge model that Netflix pioneered is no longer the de facto standard. You’ll need a minimum of three months subscribed...
Due to certification issues, iplay50 mini does not support Netflix L1. Support HD video from youtube, disney, hulu, amazon prime video. As for the problem that the youtube app only has a resolution of 720p, first check whether all the videos are at the highest 720p, and then check ...
The goal for Netflix is that it can get enough consumers hooked, and make enough from subscriptions, to make more money than the cost of serving up a nearly endless well of (hopefully quality) content. That’s Netflix’s business model in a nutshell: building scale on top of fixed costs...
You are making a significant long-term commitment that’s sometimes going to be really hard to stick to. Saving up enough money for travel, or anything for that matter is tough on the soul and demands sacrifice, which is why so few people succeed. The right mindset is everything! How mu...
Netflix/pollyjs - Record, Replay, and Stub HTTP Interactions. haraka/Haraka - A fast, highly extensible, and event driven SMTP server orkestral/venom - Venom is a high-performance system developed with JavaScript to create a bot for WhatsApp, support for creating any interaction, such as ...
It always seems like I’m on a perpetual vacation, going on wild adventures to places like Costa Rica, Morocco, Antarctica, Iceland, and Afghanistan— but there’s a lot more to it behind the scenes. Somehow I need to make a living!How exactly do I make money? How do I fund my ...
对于购物,我的信条是:I can afford anything, but I don't need everything. 我是个对朋友大方,对自己无比frugal(小气)的人。25岁开始随着工资收入慢慢有了自己的积蓄,同时很少购买任何不打折的商品。30岁的时候我的资产上了百万美金。 最初抑制我的消费欲的一本书叫《怦然心动的人生整理魔法》,发现这个“只...
Vue 3 example without Webpack - An example of how to build a Vue app with Vue-Router without the need for Webpack or any other build tool. Includes the ability to prerender components and pages with Vue Server Renderer. COVID19 Live Data Component - Simple component that shows live covid...
public override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync() { // Check if the operation ID matches what is specified in the OpenAPI definition of the connector if (this.Context.OperationId == "RegexIsMatch") { return await this.HandleRegexIsMatchOperation().ConfigureAwait(false); } // Handle...
I want to recommend the cookbook above, one of my favorites. The blurb for it says: You don’t need a recipe. Really, you don’t. Sam Sifton, founding editor of New York Times Cooking, makes improvisational cooking easier than you think. In this compact, handy book of ideas, Sifton ...