I really liked the idea of showing the struggle of an inters*x person in this heavily judgemental society as they try to figure out if they are male of female. This story could have been progressed very well. There was no need to make all the characters brainless. Listen even Wei Ying...
PC temps have only been hovering at 40-59°C regardless… Still, it’s about 10 degrees higher than it normally runs, when in an actually climate-controlled, air-conditioned room. And my PC isseven years oldand not getting any younger. AND I need this ...
Figuring out which details I can omit, and which ones people need to recognize the shape of the map. I love using my own maps. The pure satisfaction of seeing how simple tasks become once I have maps for them. I do like making other people’s lives easier. If only that didn’t ...
I am not a big TikTok user apart from checking out the funny ones my daughter forwards to me every now and then (and my dive into the site for today’s blog post). I have, however, checked out the platform when I come across recipes on the internet that went viral because of TikTok...
Aside from that, I need to create for myself a way to store building properties. I created ScriptableObjects which store data for each building, and these values are all easily adjustable in one place. Things like what is its name, its description, its cost, what resource it consumes and...
a very nearly weekly basis, so there’s always bars that need to go up. But here’s the thing; while I’ve been away, a bushel of shiny new items have been released. That’s good. Predictably enough, I’ve also been booted from my clan due to inactivity. That’s bad. Very bad...
into the sand and it’s a shit show. After that, I just kept repeating “The sea was angry that day my friends…”and we did have a really nice weekend despite the seal and the cult members. Sometimes all you need is to seal the deal early and you’ll have a nice time after ...
(If you need a good example of a typical Murray vehicle, go watch The Delicious Little Devil, one of my cinematic guilty pleasures. It has a silly plot, lots of dancing, Murray making goofy faces, and a pre-stardom Rudolph Valentino in horrible, corpse-like makeup playing Murray’s ...
This is my first Jennifer Hillier book and I loved it so much I bought another two straight away! First off, you need to know that there are no good guys in the story! If you are ok with that, keep reading! Second thing, Hillier is a master puppeteer and not until the twists are...
So that’s it for today, let’s meet y’all with another interesting blog..Hope y’all had fun reading my answers and do not forget to tell meHow long do you usually read in one session? 2 Months Complete |I need your help here ...