A student loan application form. Health issues that disable the student may also be grounds for obtaining student loan forgiveness. In this instance, the disability must be so severe that it prevents the individual from earning the money to make payments on the loan balance. Once again, the ai...
Your new college student will be living alone for the first time once he or she reports to campus. To succeed in college, and in life, your child will need to be able to shoulder more responsibility, including with money. A great way to help your college student build those important lif...
If you have money in a Roth IRA– Roth IRAs are treated differently than traditional IRAs. Savers canwithdraw Roth contributions at any time without penalty. Roth accounts only charge a penalty ifearningsare withdrawn before age 59.5. Moving money out of a Roth account makes sense for borrowers...
Most of the time, you need a form of ID, some money to deposit, and a proof of address to open a bank account. A few banks require...
You don’t need two years of conventional employment to get a mortgage.Many lenders will consideralternative income informationfor self-employed, entrepreneurs, contractors, or gig workers You might qualify with compensating factors.Lenders may approve your mortgage without a two-year employment history...
You want to remove a cosigner from your loan 1. You can lock in a lower interest rate:You shouldrefinance student loanswhen your credit score allows you to obtain a lower interest rate or if interest rates have dropped, said Logan Allec, a CPA and owner of personal finance blog Money Do...
The fees per signature aren't typically too expensive but can add up when you need multiple. The good news is, there are several places where you may be able to get notarizations for free. What a Notary Public Does A notary public is a state-appointed official who serves the publ...