iCliniq’s Health Tools and Calculators include Body Weight, Safe Days, Blood Pressure, Early Pregnancy, Estimated Due Date and many more such calculators. These are useful for our patients to maintain their health and wellness. The information in these tools is written in simple language and it...
You’ll need to have at least a 2:1 in a health or life science subject (e.g. biology, bioinformatics, pharmacology) and GSCEs in maths and English (or other equivalent Level 2 qualifications) with a grade C/4 or higher. Other nursing qualifications Once you've completed your nursing ...
So when young people are critical of an over-tweeting president, they reveal a mental discipline in thinking skills – and in their choices on when to share on social media. Text 3 Any fair-minded assessment of the dangers of the deal between Britain's National Health Service (NHS) and ...
Her mental health deteriorated. "I just had to decide work can't be my priority, I need to get back to doing just the basics and start recovering again." Belfon also has OCD, so on first hearing about COVID-19, she was concerned it would trigger her health and contamination ...
healthcare startups who have been bringing much-need improvements to outdated healthcare issues, and demonstrating what a thrilling space this can be for innovation: 1. Lottie Chris Donnelly Lottie emerged as not just the number one healthcare startup, but our overall number one startup for ...
Murals Mostly Paid Tribute to Medical and Healthcare Workers In the UK, the still anonymous street artist who goes only by the name of Banksy paid homage to the country’s NHS workers by leaving a painting entitled “Game Changer.” outside of the Southampton Hospital. Banksy’s artwork depi...
Being commissioned to deliver work for our beloved NHS, Councils, Hospitality and Care sectors that sit in and around support the ageing society.Helen Tite talks Functional Medicine and Prevention iCareiMove delivers services and talks about the ageing pathway and managing chronic health conditions as...
Donna Maria Bottomley is a psychotherapist who specializes in trauma-informed practice. She has been a therapist for over 19 years and has worked in the NHS, in schools, and in forensic mental health settings, and currently runs her own private practice, DMB Therapy. She has a passion for ...
aThe first chapter of our report examines the mental health strategy, No Health Without Mental Health, in the broader context of government health policy and reform of the NHS. The three outcomes frameworks which have been (and will continue to be) developed for the NHS, adult social care ...
Past 3 years has been full time in the NHS, gruelling, and not had time to make posts. Hopefully will again very soon! You may have noticed that I just suddenly posted, about diet. This is because I need somewhere to hold this info online, so I can post a link. It’s for a ...