西班牙语学院是一流的学院之一,您可以在这里向母语人士学习,并提高您的措辞、语法和写作水平。也不乏在线网站,如 Lingoda、Telemundo、DuoLingo、FluentU、Fluencia、Coffee Break Spanish、Univision 等。 如果您需要西班牙语翻译服务,昆仲科技CCJK支持全球230+种语言的翻译本地化服务,包括笔译、口译、配音和排版等等,期...
B.Duolingo can help users through online lessons,games and testsC.Gentle Wakeup is designed to wake people up using light aloneD.if students miss their home,Headspace can help(2)If you are a user of Headspace,you can C.A.face some of the most difficult problems in your...
I studied Russian, French and Spanish at university, and have since taken several courses in the latter two languages with the intent of brushing up. I’ve used Duolingo to give me some knowledge of Italian, and I am currently working on German. My literary interests have always been interna...
1. Learn the Words You Need Stop memorizing random vocabulary you’ll never use. iPolyglot helps you focus on the words that matter most to you. Whether it’s for work, travel, or daily conversations, you can easily add your own words and phrases and practice them until they stick. ...
It may not be used in every conversation, but it is definitely a valid and natural way of expressing oneself in Spanish. budgie 2024年5月21日 西班牙语 (哥伦比亚) "Carisimo' is pretty common in real life. I see it as a way of exaggerating the adjective "caro" (expensive) way more...
You can help in several ways If you know anyone specifically who might be interested in our products please share the website with them. While it’s not bad to share the site on social media, people are less likely to click on a random link in their timeline than they are a link ...
You need to hear and read as much Spanish as possible. Read children's stories and watch children's programs on YouTube or Netflix in Spanish. Keep a journal and use the Spanish you learn each day to write something. Use a flash card app, like Anki, to s
If you need any further assistance, you can contact us directly as well: help@itranslate.com -iTranslate Team more zia emica jesant , 2018-12-10 Doesn’t even work...Only works in French and other languages in Tagalog! Please make more changes cause it’s terrible Do it or get ...
In James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits, he sets out four Laws of Behaviour Change. I will get an example of each from my adventures with Spanish! Make it Obvious: Duolingo is one of only about 4 apps on my phone that I allow to notify me. It pops up periodically throughout the day...
西班牙语 (墨西哥) SODA STEREO (it's an Argentinian rock band). I really recommend Argentinian rock. Even if you are learning Spanish, Argentinians talk a little more slowly the Spanish that the rest of LATAM (I'm Mexican) 查看翻译 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) 有帮助 (0) uhhh...